Violence at Euro 2016

Sorry but at the end of the day the lad still threw a bottle at the police. Is that acceptable?

Was it at the police or was it at people that were attacking them? No it isn't acceptable if that was the case but why have no Russians been arrested and jailed? Two teams are threatened with has the next world cup.Start jailing the fans of one team,build up the momentum then BANG the next time ANY trouble involving England whether they are being attacked or not,bye bye!
Sorry but at the end of the day the lad still threw a bottle at the police. Is that acceptable?

thats not the point here,the point is one lad chucks a bottle and gets time and no Russians have been brought before the courts despite CCTV and news footage being available,the French snatch squads picked him up as an easy target while they didnt have the bottle to go in and snatch the Russians
why have no Russians been arrested and jailed? !

Looking at the video clips that have been posted I honestly think that the French police were too scared to get among them to actually make arrests. They seemed to want to keep their distance.

It's pretty pitiful I know and the Russian authorities seem to now be taking the piss out of them given some of the stuff that's been posted earlier in this thread.
thats not the point here,the point is one lad chucks a bottle and gets time and no Russians have been brought before the courts despite CCTV and news footage being available,the French snatch squads picked him up as an easy target while they didnt have the bottle to go in and snatch the Russians
I suspect that's because the Russian scum were organising the chaos and got the f*** out of there before the police had a chance to arrest the bastards.
It sounds like a proper military excercise.
No idea who he was throwing a bottle at but its a bloody stupid thing to do whoever you're aiming it at!
England and Northern Ireland have already been attacked. Who knows when the Welsh will suffer the same fate?

This is a matter for the UK government. The French should be told in no uncertain terms that if this continues all 3 countries will be withdrawing from the competition.
If they hang on a week or so they might not have the option. ;)
I think that the Paras and Marines might prove a bit trickier than Colin from Accounts and Dave from Sales.

As would the 2500 sat at home on banning orders.The Russians are being made out to be some kind of super beings because a few were wearing black,banged some steroids and wore gloves and gumshields,had a bit of organisation and battered shirters,drunken young lads and women and kids. Anyone from the 1970/80's will remember back then small well organised firms in this country would cause mayhem and run much larger numbers.They just copied us and we just retired through old age and being banned.End of.

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