Violence at Euro 2016

Few lads on the way ! Ps the one at the front is it joe heart

Ha ha it does look like Heart!! No disrespect but I think it is going to take a hell of a lot more than these lads!

Which part of humanity are you? I arrived back from Marseille with first hand experience. As a vet of maybe 50 or so England games, in various countries around the world I have seen it all. With my clothes about to go in the washing machine to rinse the stench of flares/smoke and tear gas I can tell you, Craig, that it was the Russian, French and more importantly (worryingly) the local coppers - they had absolutely no idea on what to do, or how to prevent it happening in the first place. Say what you may about our cops, but the situations that I saw in Marseille would NEVER have escalated like that if our officers had been in charge. I witnessed Russian gangs picking off 'shirters/scarfers' having walked unchallenged (by local police) nearly a mile. When the situation turned around and the England fans were on the front foot, lo and behold in come the French firing tear gas indiscriminately, when England fans tried to escape the gas into side streets locals started picking them off, and guess what happened when England retaliated, the tear gas again. It was extremely poorly managed by the local force to a degree that I found laughable - but this was not gleeful laughing, it was disgust. Our cops have it sewn up, usually. As I saw it it was 3 groups against 1, bad odds at any time or place. The fans out there have severely let down by the French - from the government down to the local cops, UEFA are cohorts in this also. Sad to say, but Wed/Thurs this week is going to be one hell of a bad time to be a supporter of England. Lille will be a war zone, think twice about travelling there. I will, if the chance arises, attend the next round. Commitments prevent me from attending Thurs - but from what I saw I will be better off watching it in Hogwarts. Since when has singing provoked the tear gas .... No wonder they needed help in two world wars - French cops........ shiite on them.

Well said Levets!! The French cops hate us as much as the Russian and French hooligan twats. As you said it was three on one and I don't see that changing much.
We have our share of nobheads but it doesn't usually kick off unless there's a trigger. I was in Toulouse in '98, which was the match after Tunisia in Marseille. Absolutely no trouble at all because there were no French locals trying to start fights or Romanian nutters out to kill people.
Not sure what point you're struggling to make here?
He was eulogising about bygone days when English hooligans ruled Europe, he scoffed at the Russians who were just "copying English fans from back then" apparently. He even went as far as to suggest it wouldn't be happening if those banned English hooligans were in France.

Oi dickhead I told you in an earlier post stop putting words into my mouth.I was not 'Eulogising' about anything I was telling it as it was and is and as I asked you in my original reply,how old are you and how many games have you been too,particularly pre-200?

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