Violence at Euro 2016

Have you seen his full picture? Bell end in a trilby

If he ever wants a one on one i am sure he would get his desire for fisticuffs of most English blokes.
Stamping like that, fuck off, not right that on any level. If a bloke is down fucking leave him if you are out for agro.

Tbh i hope he gets his head put through a fucking window and slammed face first onto the deck, coward.
cunts all of em. TBH and i'm not normally wound up about things like this but i hope they come out to play tomorrow night and get a fucking good kicking all of them
The Russians resemble orcs except the orcs prabably dress a bit smarter.They seem to enjoy kicking people in the head when they are down,very brave.
Is there anywhere you can see this feed where English and Welsh are together.
The glorious BBC have just reported on the news that the English and Welsh were taunting the Rusians.
That's not what has been reported on here, nothing happened apparently until the Rusians started throwing chairs. If this is true then it's another BBC report deliberately smearing England fans and now Welsh fans.
Be nice to see it in full, this is the internet if it's on here then people can see the truth.
When i lived in Milwaukee i had a lot of Polish mates and they showed me youtube vids of Polish footy fights.
You can probably still see em now but it'd not my bag personally.

Anyway my mates showed me how they worked and pointed out when an oppo got chinned, that was it, he was left alone.
This may have been one single scene of decency he showed me and i am totally wrong in the main but they all walked past him and left the fucker to come back from never never land.
He waved "no more" when he did and he crawled to the side then fucked off away.

Not condoning it at all but if you are that way inclined at least give the other fella a chance to live unless you are actually out to kill someone.
The Russians were stamping on fellas heads like mad when they were long asleep.
Is there anywhere you can see this feed where English and Welsh are together.
The glorious BBC have just reported on the news that the English and Welsh were taunting the Rusians.
That's not what has been reported on here, nothing happened apparently until the Rusians started throwing chairs. If this is true then it's another BBC report deliberately smearing England fans and now Welsh fans.
Be nice to see it in full, this is the internet if it's on here then people can see the truth.

You can see the footage where Russians have come to an english pub and started to kick off.
Someone noted before the Russians have a t-shirt that marks them out as part of the organized group.

An associated free press snapper said English were peaceful until Russians started chucking chairs.


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