Violence at Euro 2016

You'll no doubt get people slagging you off for saying that, but it's pretty much spot on in my experience. The qualifiers and friendlies are different these days as it's typically just the proper England fans that go, but these "local" tournaments attract a ridiculous amount of dickheads.

I've been abroad with both City and England, and the atmospheres are miles apart. With City, it's been much more lighthearted and good natured. The songs are generally funny and positive, and everyone looks like they're there to have a good time. Probably more what it's like to be with Sweden, Ireland etc.

But that's just not been my experience with England at tournaments - there's usually an air of overall moodiness and intimidation, as well as a sense that it will inevitably kick off. Maybe it's because there's no real sense of camaraderie or "community" between the different groups, but the atmosphere is just generally more negative.

It's certainly not everyone, but as always there's an element of dickheads that spoil the fun for everyone else. Even in Brazil, a mate of mine said the only knobheads he encountered during two brilliant weeks in Rio were groups of other English lads; mostly middle-class toffs (in his words) who thought being a football fan meant you had to act like a twat.

Take the fighting out of it, and the England fans at these tournaments look, sound and behave exactly like they did 20-30 years ago. And then we wonder why the rest of the world still looks at us and automatically thinks "Hooligans". I'd rather stay as far away from England games as possible these days. I'm sure there must be more fun to be had following other countries at these tournaments.

There was a lot of this going on in Germany in 06. It was a great atmosphere in Cologne for the opening game which featured Germany. There were however around 40-50 pissed up English idiots outside the Irish bar (ironic really when singing No Surrender) who just couldn't stop trying to instigate trouble. The bar was not surprisingly closed the next day so it must have kicked off at some point.
Backwards, horrible cunts!
They're the only nationality I cannot stand.
I live in Thailand where they have swarmed over to in recent years. They're disliked by all here. Should have never been let out of Russia.[/QUOTE they have caused lots of problems in Thailand to many to mention

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I think the problem with England is that there's an element who think that we're still fighting WW2. They're not interested in engaging with the locals, they just want to impose themselves on them as if they're some sort of occupying army. That sort of approach inevitably attracts the same elements from the other side.

True and the Russians are very much of the same mindset ... with arguably more justification!
The Poles are mad men in my opinion.When you look at some of the Ruskies some are quite small,fight in packs.The Poles are all enormous fuckers.

As I said earlier in this thread any country that had cavalry units that charged at Panzer Divisions in WW2 needs a wide berth!
I'm of Polish decent myself and I'm 6'4"
I think a lot of rubbish is being spouted about how people should act and behave in another country and bringing it on themselves(years gone by there were valid reasons to criticize England fans but give over with the kumbaya talk no fans are like that), it's bollocks sorry so there's someone you've seen that you think looks a twat with his shirt off pissed up? So fucking what get over yourselves and leave them be is the answer to that(wide birth, next bar... done with!) not an open invitation to start taunting and kicking off when they are keeping themselves to themselves(that's the key like it or not, fans from ALL countries do this don't fool yourselves into thinking all the rest are flying rainbow-flags brothers in arms-kumbaya all the time they may share a few laughs with opposing fans I've seen English do that too though... some of you are just deluded about how the rest of the world is for me).

You can find groups of fans singing about WW2 (that's been sticking point for most of the English blamers that's their justification? staggering really), but I bet you there's more England fans that cringe at that and have no part in it than the ones you see in the vids doing the rounds(its basically the same group in each too). Also it's prejudice to say oh look at them standing there bare chested being moody and intimidating and all "Englishy"... look at the Irish I like them they are nice... you've just basically pre-judged a large group of people who look pretty much the same as the ones you said are ok by you(lucky them) with the only difference being you find one set more moody and intimidating... in your opinion. Even if some of them do actually act moody, English fans are a target anyway some of them have experienced lots of that and are naturally guarded somewhat... but I bet if they do come across fans up for a bit banter and laugh they will share one. I really think there's just some people here who must have gone to an England game and felt intimidated once and it's flavoring their outlook on the events heavily.

If I saw Swedish fans being just loud, drunk and obnoxious but keeping to themselves I'd say let them get on with it, if some fans got themselves so worked up about it that they attacked them I'd say that's bang out of order... because it is! Something's allowed to annoy you, this is life though, if you have no cause for official complaint or any of it is somewhat expected(large crowds, singing and rowdiness at football tournament? shock horror!) then you manage your own emotions and if you fail to do that properly then that's on you, lets stop with the frankly shit excuses for them.
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