Violence at Euro 2016

Seems reasonably quiet though I read on Twitter that English, Welsh and Slovakian fans have started to join forces. Best thing they can do.
They took thousands to Poland in 2012 and unveiled this in the stadium when they played them:

But apparently Polish hooligans were ready for what Russia brought and absolutely caved them in all around Warsaw - there were no arrests! NONE!

The Poles are mad men in my opinion.When you look at some of the Ruskies some are quite small,fight in packs.The Poles are all enormous fuckers.

As I said earlier in this thread any country that had cavalry units that charged at Panzer Divisions in WW2 needs a wide berth!
That's a very good post. Even though you could say that the English fans haven't actually started (how schoolboy does that sound) the trouble with the Russians, and that the Russians would have acted like this regardless, there is a certain way with English supporters that doesn't look good. Bare chested, arms out, pissed as farts and singing some inflammatory songs with a hint of aggression. Take a look at some of the other videos around, especially between the Irish and Swedes, they're pissed up, bare chested and singing but the nature is completely different. I would never go to watch England at a football tournament, just couldn't be arsed with it all.
You'll no doubt get people slagging you off for saying that, but it's pretty much spot on in my experience. The qualifiers and friendlies are different these days as it's typically just the proper England fans that go, but these "local" tournaments attract a ridiculous amount of dickheads.

I've been abroad with both City and England, and the atmospheres are miles apart. With City, it's been much more lighthearted and good natured. The songs are generally funny and positive, and everyone looks like they're there to have a good time. Probably more what it's like to be with Sweden, Ireland etc.

But that's just not been my experience with England at tournaments - there's usually an air of overall moodiness and intimidation, as well as a sense that it will inevitably kick off. Maybe it's because there's no real sense of camaraderie or "community" between the different groups, but the atmosphere is just generally more negative.

It's certainly not everyone, but as always there's an element of dickheads that spoil the fun for everyone else. Even in Brazil, a mate of mine said the only knobheads he encountered during two brilliant weeks in Rio were groups of other English lads; mostly middle-class toffs (in his words) who thought being a football fan meant you had to act like a twat.

Take the fighting out of it, and the England fans at these tournaments look, sound and behave exactly like they did 20-30 years ago. And then we wonder why the rest of the world still looks at us and automatically thinks "Hooligans". I'd rather stay as far away from England games as possible these days. I'm sure there must be more fun to be had following other countries at these tournaments.
Manchester Road was always a battlefield,on way back to station,or the bridge that went over the railway,my dad took me to Bolton a hell of a lot in my early years,used to shit myself on Manny Road,I was only 8 -10 years old mind

Manchester,that is how Lancastrians would nickname it
That's a very good post. Even though you could say that the English fans haven't actually started (how schoolboy does that sound) the trouble with the Russians, and that the Russians would have acted like this regardless, there is a certain way with English supporters that doesn't look good. Bare chested, arms out, pissed as farts and singing some inflammatory songs with a hint of aggression. Take a look at some of the other videos around, especially between the Irish and Swedes, they're pissed up, bare chested and singing but the nature is completely different. I would never go to watch England at a football tournament, just couldn't be arsed with it all.

The worst thing about the violence inside the stadium was the potential for serious tragedy. It was very reminiscent of Heysel.

The location of the tournament doesnt help.

I was in Bloemfontein for the world cup game against Germany and the atmosphere was excellent generally between the 2 sets of fans with plenty of banter and singing from both sides but rarely did i ever feel it would end in any violence and thats with plenty of booze on offer.

Maybe the idiots had been priced out of the trip to South Africa?
I think the problem with England is that there's an element who think that we're still fighting WW2. They're not interested in engaging with the locals, they just want to impose themselves on them as if they're some sort of occupying army. That sort of approach inevitably attracts the same elements from the other side.

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