Want out of this house

Spitting image of my dad, wish I could send his ass flying out the window whilst strumming a Power Chord. Hell yea for Twisted Sister.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-jsgousZcA&feature=related" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-jsgous ... re=related</a>
bluemooncol said:
ROBL250 said:
They watch too much crap like Tonight on ITV, and get these stupid ideas in their head that everyone is after them (only today I was told to eat my carrots to have my 5-a-day bollocks, which I refused anyway.)
But I just said shredding bank details is pointless as they'd just gain access to online statements anyway, with websites like Monster or Lloyds where your personal details are already on record. My dad being the prick he is goes "answer for everything," and then promptly starts screaming his head off about some nonsense I dont think even he knew what the point of it was.
My parents are just snobs, think there upper class and were now eating in the Kitchen because the "table in the dining room is for when we have guests", then why f.cking have it there. And we also have chandeliers (dont ask) in the living room with 14 lights, yet get screamed at for not putting the lamp on.
My parents are fucking Rags aswell which is the worst thing about it. every weekend/wednesday its always a United game on TV above anything else, then when they loose I swear my mum spits in my Tea.

2 words. ungrateful cretin.
Managed to find myself a place to stay for a few nights until I get the job/flat sorted. thank f.ck for good friends.
ROBL250 said:
Managed to find myself a place to stay for a few nights until I get the job/flat sorted. thank f.ck for good friends.
If I was to take a guess, that might be what your parents are thinking as well. So, a result all round. You've got your privacy, and your folks have got rid of you. Everybody's happy.
Oh they dont know. As far as there concerned everything going to be made up by tomorrow as usual. Little do they know I wont be coming back at all.
My son has just moved back home after coming out of work and I couldn't keep paying his rent and all his bills for him he brought his fiance with him he is 22 and I nag him all the time that's what parents do I have one of 25 who doesnt live at home and he gets nagged as well and I cant tell you the amount of times my boys have said god I wished I had listen to you as I wouldn't be in the mess I am in now .

Tell your parents your going to stay with friends for a couple of days so you can all have some space don't just go without telling them cos when things go tits up and they will at least you know you will able to go back home

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