Want out of this house

I 'm really glad i got through some tough lonely and skint times on my own

and that my mum was always in when i took me washing round
I feel your pain Rob.

But, here is the pisser. In order to get the council to house you, you will have to be 'evicted'. If you leave voluntarily, you will be classified as 'intentionally homeless' and that means nobody will do jack shit for you.

My advice is register now with High Peak Housing Association. Start looking around for flats and maybe a shared house? Go to CAB and ask about your options re: housing benefit etc. You need to start the process in order to keep yourself sane. If you know it's not going to be for much longer you will cope a lot better.
Effectively my dad made it clear he wasnt going to have me hanging around for much longer anyway. I might aswell be moving out now and making arrangements rather than being chucked out at 1am with nowhere to go or place to stay.

Im getting friends accomodation sorted tomorrow and luckily get paid jobseekers on Tues so Ive got my CV on Floppy Disk which I'll print off, and sort things out at the Housing Benefit offices in Buxton whilst im there looking for work.
ROBL250 said:
Effectively my dad made it clear he wasnt going to have me hanging around for much longer anyway. I might aswell be moving out now and making arrangements rather than being chucked out at 1am with nowhere to go or place to stay.

Im getting friends accomodation sorted tomorrow and luckily get paid jobseekers on Tues so Ive got my CV on Floppy Disk which I'll print off, and sort things out at the Housing Benefit offices in Buxton whilst im there looking for work.

Are you going to try to get a job?
Of course. Im desperate, ive done everything to look for work as it is around here from picking up Horse crap on the field in the middle of winter just to get off benefits for 2 weeks.

I'd resort to picking up dog crap from the pavement if thats what it takes. Anything avaliable from shelf-filling, litter picking, working on the train ticket stations to whatevers out there.
I cant remember who said it, but they were right, jobs around here are few and far between and even for one job theres about 60 people applying for it at any one time.
Thats the level of unemployment around here.
ROBL250 said:
Of course. Im desperate, ive done everything to look for work as it is around here from picking up Horse crap on the field in the middle of winter just to get off benefits for 2 weeks.

I'd resort to picking up dog crap from the pavement if thats what it takes. Anything avaliable from shelf-filling, litter picking, working on the train ticket stations to whatevers out there.
I cant remember who said it, but they were right, jobs around here are few and far between and even for one job theres about 60 people applying for it at any one time.
Thats the level of unemployment around here.

I genuinely wish you all the luck then.
ROBL250 said:
Of course. Im desperate, ive done everything to look for work as it is around here from picking up Horse crap on the field in the middle of winter just to get off benefits for 2 weeks.

I'd resort to picking up dog crap from the pavement if thats what it takes. Anything avaliable from shelf-filling, litter picking, working on the train ticket stations to whatevers out there.
I cant remember who said it, but they were right, jobs around here are few and far between and even for one job theres about 60 people applying for it at any one time.
Thats the level of unemployment around here.

Stop fucking bleating! Join one of the services if you're that desperate for a job. The army are crying out for cannon fodder atm.
rob, i always used to argue with my parents. being honest, they were mostly caused by me being a cocky, head strong, arrogant prick. i packed my stuff and selfishly walked out just before my 18th birthday, breaking my mams heart in the process (and secretly my dads as well, although he never let on.)

when i did get my own place and started doing it up, the old fella came round and could not help but stick his oar in. we had a monumental row and didnt speak for ages. the irony of always being told 'when you get your own house you can do what you want' was lost on him.

anyway, without the full boring life story, i have a great relationship with them both now. i have earned their respect. i realise they only ever had my best interests at heart.
Stop fucking bleating! Join one of the services if you're that desperate for a job. The army are crying out for cannon fodder atm.

Tried the armed services, unfortunately due to my 9 operations, pacemaker and migraine attacks Im not fully fit enough to serve in the forces. Even in Cadets I couldnt fly on the special Hercules flight because I was deemed a Insurance risk. So that option is out the window.

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