Was David Icke right?

Banned Tosspot said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Banned Tosspot said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I don't think grammar or punctuation should really matter on an internet message board to be honest.
Well it's improved your posts as you used to be dreadful.

That's not strictly true, it depends what mood I'm in.

I just find the grammar pedants a little rich when all said and done, this is an internet message board about a football club, hardly the high brow shit I'm usually dabbling in.
Yeah, we all know how great you are Nicholas. You tell us all the time.

Didnt know id joined University Challenge with Bamber Tosspot in charge. Quinny,some pepole just dont have a life,Just dont BITE.
buzzer1 said:
Didnt know id joined University Challenge with Bamber Tosspot in charge. Quinny,some pepole just dont have a life,Just dont BITE.

I don't bite baby, I put a double barrel sawn off shotgun to knee caps and smile ;)

I know the score, I agree with a lot of what you've posted, some people just need to believe in the lies to make it through the day, others are blessed in their ability to see through the matrix.
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I think Buzzer has the right idea and has obviously done his homework.

Very easy to dismiss all of this kind of stuff, I'm selective with what I believe but I do think 70% of what Icke says is spot on and he's proven to be right over and over again.

There's no doubt in my mind concerning New World Order etc, I've read a lot myself over the years and try as I might I can't help but feel it's largely based on the truth. I mean, I wish it weren't but it is so yeah

The good thing is mate,unlike religion and govt.,Icke doesnt try to ram it down peoples throats,check him out if you want,if not,dont,simple as. i did,and as the dots connect,it becomes more and more laughable and amazing how conditioned the sheeple really are. Imagine this;1st day at work aged 16,Get up at 6am,put the tele on,listen to the bullshit news,get in the car,put on radio,more BS news,go shop and buy a paper,BS news,get to work,have 3 breaks during day,read paper,finish work at 5,home,tea,put on BS news,watch somert shite,like Big Brother,(ironically watching big brother watching you),go to bed,and repeat the above for 40 to 50 years,thats the way its gone since day dot,and they call me,MENTAL,SCARY MAN.

Totally agree, but why did it take someone else to point it out to you?
I realised this by myself, seemed bleedingly obvious to me. Don't need the likes of Icke to tell me what to think.
Question is, what are you going to do about it?
Just remeber your utopia will not suit anyone else.
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.
Azul Senorita said:
I think David Icke has some Valid points, although some of his views and claims are hard to believe on first glance. However if you are prepared to look into what he claims you will find the evidence to back up what he says.

David Icke has really done his homework. He's not some silly fool who stands up in front of an audience spewing forth nonsensical gibberish that he concocted one day. He has done research on these subjects, and his books are filled with references to back up his claims.

Not all, but many of the people I encounter in forums where people have ridiculed his work, have not done their homework. They simply say "David Icke is a nutter." They have nothing to back up their claims, and continue to criticize him because his ideas do not fit their idea of what their reality should be. They stay living within inside the box, nice and comfortable!!

I can understand that people think he is a nutter, when all they know on the man is from what they seen on the wogan interview/show (remembering his shellsuit). I do not believe that if these people had taken the time to read at least one of his books that they would be so quick to post such insulting & negative feedback.

Imo David Icke thinks outside the box. He's willing to read books, interview people (including the great African Shaman Credo Mutwa), travel to meet with people. He's willing to do the reseach before making his claims. I highly commend him for his great work in bringing much of what has been hidden from us to the forefront so that we may in turn learn the truth. The public deserves to know the truth, and as was once stated "The Truth is Out There."

I say give him a chance! Read one of the books!!! After having my say i understand that some people will remain to think hes nuts, and wont take the time to pick up one of the books and thats fine. Iam just glad i did, as the world is not what i first thought it was!

Nicely put Azul Senorita,(isnt that blue lady in Spanish?) if only people would only see through the cartoon world that they have been programmed to believe is true,sad really,but one day they will wake up,as there is a spirirtual shift happening right now,Icke used to speak to anyone that would be so kind as to listen,but now,many,many people are waking up and CHOOSING to listen,and there isnt only him who speaks about this to a wider audience,as you already know; Ian crane is also very good and knowledgeable,and as for CREDO MUTWA,he is amazing. People would rather watch shitty soap operas or some celebrity rubbish,and live there lives accordingly,very sad,but as long as you can see through the b*lls*it,thats all that matters.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.

Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.
buzzer 1... i agree with all your posts and banned tosspot should be BANNED....
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.

Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.
Oolon Colluphid said:
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I think Buzzer has the right idea and has obviously done his homework.

Very easy to dismiss all of this kind of stuff, I'm selective with what I believe but I do think 70% of what Icke says is spot on and he's proven to be right over and over again.

There's no doubt in my mind concerning New World Order etc, I've read a lot myself over the years and try as I might I can't help but feel it's largely based on the truth. I mean, I wish it weren't but it is so yeah

The good thing is mate,unlike religion and govt.,Icke doesnt try to ram it down peoples throats,check him out if you want,if not,dont,simple as. i did,and as the dots connect,it becomes more and more laughable and amazing how conditioned the sheeple really are. Imagine this;1st day at work aged 16,Get up at 6am,put the tele on,listen to the bullshit news,get in the car,put on radio,more BS news,go shop and buy a paper,BS news,get to work,have 3 breaks during day,read paper,finish work at 5,home,tea,put on BS news,watch somert shite,like Big Brother,(ironically watching big brother watching you),go to bed,and repeat the above for 40 to 50 years,thats the way its gone since day dot,and they call me,MENTAL,SCARY MAN.

Totally agree, but why did it take someone else to point it out to you?
I realised this by myself, seemed bleedingly obvious to me. Don't need the likes of Icke to tell me what to think.
Question is, what are you going to do about it?
Just remeber your utopia will not suit anyone else.

I,ve always thought that there was something else,other dimensions,ufos etc,and i find it amazing that people take the view,(often without any investigation,which is the biggest form of ignorance,)that this is all there is and has ever been,
im just glad,that there are tools,ie books,net etc,which allows me to research further,my own experience of this physical life.
deffo,,, for centuries..
mcfc78 said:
buzzer 1... i agree with all your posts and banned tosspot should be BANNED....
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.

Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.

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