Was David Icke right?

mcfc78 said:
buzzer 1... i agree with all your posts and banned tosspot should be BANNED....
buzzer1 said:

There does seem to be a few disfunctional types, They seem to be hung up about something! BT Seems to be the Ring leader/aggressor Lol..

Anyway logging out for the night catch you again.
stony said:
I'd love to find myself alone with David Icke. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from hissing at him whilst flicking my tongue in and out like a lizard, then just piss off quick.

I wonder what he'd do ?
Cash in and write another book.
buzzer1 said:
Azul Senorita said:
I think David Icke has some Valid points, although some of his views and claims are hard to believe on first glance. However if you are prepared to look into what he claims you will find the evidence to back up what he says.

David Icke has really done his homework. He's not some silly fool who stands up in front of an audience spewing forth nonsensical gibberish that he concocted one day. He has done research on these subjects, and his books are filled with references to back up his claims.

Not all, but many of the people I encounter in forums where people have ridiculed his work, have not done their homework. They simply say "David Icke is a nutter." They have nothing to back up their claims, and continue to criticize him because his ideas do not fit their idea of what their reality should be. They stay living within inside the box, nice and comfortable!!

I can understand that people think he is a nutter, when all they know on the man is from what they seen on the wogan interview/show (remembering his shellsuit). I do not believe that if these people had taken the time to read at least one of his books that they would be so quick to post such insulting & negative feedback.

Imo David Icke thinks outside the box. He's willing to read books, interview people (including the great African Shaman Credo Mutwa), travel to meet with people. He's willing to do the reseach before making his claims. I highly commend him for his great work in bringing much of what has been hidden from us to the forefront so that we may in turn learn the truth. The public deserves to know the truth, and as was once stated "The Truth is Out There."

I say give him a chance! Read one of the books!!! After having my say i understand that some people will remain to think hes nuts, and wont take the time to pick up one of the books and thats fine. Iam just glad i did, as the world is not what i first thought it was!

Nicely put Azul Senorita,(isnt that blue lady in Spanish?) if only people would only see through the cartoon world that they have been programmed to believe is true,sad really,but one day they will wake up,as there is a spirirtual shift happening right now,Icke used to speak to anyone that would be so kind as to listen,but now,many,many people are waking up and CHOOSING to listen,and there isnt only him who speaks about this to a wider audience,as you already know; Ian crane is also very good and knowledgeable,and as for CREDO MUTWA,he is amazing. People would rather watch shitty soap operas or some celebrity rubbish,and live there lives accordingly,very sad,but as long as you can see through the b*lls*it,thats all that matters.

Hi Buzzer1 Yes would be the answer to your question ... Azul Senorita!

I have seen little talks from Ian Crane, but i have seen was interesting! I 100% agree with you on the fact that people are now wanting to listen, and to know more, whether it be through internet research or the likes of Crane and Icke! So its all good!
buzzer1 said:
Nicely put Azul Senorita,(isnt that blue lady in Spanish?) if only people would only see through the cartoon world that they have been programmed to believe is true,sad really,but one day they will wake up,as there is a spirirtual shift happening right now,Icke used to speak to anyone that would be so kind as to listen,but now,many,many people are waking up and CHOOSING to listen,and there isnt only him who speaks about this to a wider audience,as you already know; Ian crane is also very good and knowledgeable,and as for CREDO MUTWA,he is amazing. People would rather watch shitty soap operas or some celebrity rubbish,and live there lives accordingly,very sad,but as long as you can see through the b*lls*it,thats all that matters.

Now you really are starting to annoy me.
I can just about live with your fatuous and nonsensical belief in the ravings of some deluded ex-sports presenter,but just what the hell gives you the arrogant authority to sneeringly look down on people who haven't seen "the light",as you see Icke?
Personally,I have no time for organised religion,as I see it all as a glorified control mechanism that anyone with rational thought can destroy in a few seconds of reasoned argument,but WTF exactly makes you so superior to people who watch "shitty soap operas and live their lives accordingly?"
So its "very sad",is it?
That others choose to live their lives differently to you and your cohorts?
You come across as one of the most smug,conceited and sanctimonious tossers I have ever had the misfortune to read on this site,and that is some acheivement.
You have no right to look down your nose at anyone - try substantiating some of your glorious leaders facile drivel before you start having a go at others for being "unbelievers".
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
buzzer1 said:
Nicely put Azul Senorita,(isnt that blue lady in Spanish?) if only people would only see through the cartoon world that they have been programmed to believe is true,sad really,but one day they will wake up,as there is a spirirtual shift happening right now,Icke used to speak to anyone that would be so kind as to listen,but now,many,many people are waking up and CHOOSING to listen,and there isnt only him who speaks about this to a wider audience,as you already know; Ian crane is also very good and knowledgeable,and as for CREDO MUTWA,he is amazing. People would rather watch shitty soap operas or some celebrity rubbish,and live there lives accordingly,very sad,but as long as you can see through the b*lls*it,thats all that matters.

Now you really are starting to annoy me.
I can just about live with your fatuous and nonsensical belief in the ravings of some deluded ex-sports presenter,but just what the hell gives you the arrogant authority to sneeringly look down on people who haven't seen "the light",as you see Icke?
Personally,I have no time for organised religion,as I see it all as a glorified control mechanism that anyone with rational thought can destroy in a few seconds of reasoned argument,but WTF exactly makes you so superior to people who watch "shitty soap operas and live their lives accordingly?"
So its "very sad",is it?
That others choose to live their lives differently to you and your cohorts?
You come across as one of the most smug,conceited and sanctimonious tossers I have ever had the misfortune to read on this site,and that is some acheivement.
You have no right to look down your nose at anyone - try substantiating some of your glorious leaders facile drivel before you start having a go at others for being "unbelievers".

You silly little nobody! upto the people if they wanna watch the "shitty little soap operas",(my opinion),free country after all,but when people of that mentality start to slag the likes of me off,then i will give it back both barrels. And as for cohorts?Just cause they dont share the same blinkered view of society as you,they,we,are now cohorts or cultists,keep the blinkers on you cretin,and if you hurry back from Macdonalds or burger king,you might just be in time for Big Big brother or Corrie Orry.
brass neck said:
Swales lives said:
I don't believe anything that comes from the mouth of anybody who wears a shellsuit.
That is my religion.

Ha Ha Ha........... So true.....

He is nothing more than a spiritualist, its the same act, he has got his convinced audience and tells them what they want to hear, Europe will flood, well all the scientist are telling us the earth gonna heat up and the ice caps will melt, no shit sherlock.....

The earths gonna heat and the ice caps will melt? Global warmings a con mate,as when these sherlocks say stuff like,"this is the hottest month since records began",oh yes MR. HOLMES,and when did records begin,ERM,1912. That is a drop in the ocean as far as the earths cycle goes and weather patterns,im not saying there isnt an increase in activity,ie population flying,different gasses etc,(they tried to tell us that it was cows farting at one time),and as for the icecaps melting,they was only talking of another ice age approaching last year. Its a carbon con maaan,
as the earth goes round in cycles. As for the green brigade,there silence is deafening at the mo; Imagine,sun in june,whod have thought it?

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