Was David Icke right?

buzzer1 said:
brass neck said:
Swales lives said:
I don't believe anything that comes from the mouth of anybody who wears a shellsuit.
That is my religion.

Ha Ha Ha........... So true.....

He is nothing more than a spiritualist, its the same act, he has got his convinced audience and tells them what they want to hear, Europe will flood, well all the scientist are telling us the earth gonna heat up and the ice caps will melt, no shit sherlock.....

The earths gonna heat and the ice caps will melt? Global warmings a con mate,as when these sherlocks say stuff like,"this is the hottest month since records began",oh yes MR. HOLMES,and when did records begin,ERM,1912. That is a drop in the ocean as far as the earths cycle goes and weather patterns,im not saying there isnt an increase in activity,ie population flying,different gasses etc,(they tried to tell us that it was cows farting at one time),and as for the icecaps melting,they was only talking of another ice age approaching last year. Its a carbon con maaan,
as the earth goes round in cycles. As for the green brigade,there silence is deafening at the mo; Imagine,sun in june,whod have thought it?

Please watch this short playlist <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52KLGqDSAjo&feature=PlayList&p=A4F0994AFB057BB8&index=0&playnext=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52KLGqDS ... playnext=1</a>
ElanJo said:
buzzer1 said:
brass neck said:
Swales lives said:
I don't believe anything that comes from the mouth of anybody who wears a shellsuit.
That is my religion.

Ha Ha Ha........... So true.....

He is nothing more than a spiritualist, its the same act, he has got his convinced audience and tells them what they want to hear, Europe will flood, well all the scientist are telling us the earth gonna heat up and the ice caps will melt, no shit sherlock.....

The earths gonna heat and the ice caps will melt? Global warmings a con mate,as when these sherlocks say stuff like,"this is the hottest month since records began",oh yes MR. HOLMES,and when did records begin,ERM,1912. That is a drop in the ocean as far as the earths cycle goes and weather patterns,im not saying there isnt an increase in activity,ie population flying,different gasses etc,(they tried to tell us that it was cows farting at one time),and as for the icecaps melting,they was only talking of another ice age approaching last year. Its a carbon con maaan,
as the earth goes round in cycles. As for the green brigade,there silence is deafening at the mo; Imagine,sun in june,whod have thought it?

Please watch this short playlist <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52KLGqDSAjo&feature=PlayList&p=A4F0994AFB057BB8&index=0&playnext=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52KLGqDS ... playnext=1</a>

Thanks for that elanjo,i'll have a look at some more on that page afterwards or in the morning; but the fact that the likes of that horrific piece of work,GORE,has us people at his heart and cares dearly about us,is beyond belief.
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.

Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.

Right, so what your saying is there isn't reptilian lifeforms blah blah blah but they are actually in another dimension. Okaaay.
This naturally leads to the next question. How the fook do you know? As for your fishpond analogy- well I feed my fish in the pond outback and in the fishtank in my living room, and I can catagorically state they are very much aware of my existence because if I go near they swim off. The one's in the tank swim to the feedhole when I walk in the room. Perhaps I should name the big one David Pike because they are so unusually tuned in to other dimensions for their species.

Neither, you or David Icke has really any clue about other dimensions, not even the finest minds in science have. What you and others of your ilk actually do is make it up as you go along and forcefit your loose theories to present a cogent point of view.
You do it from the safety of your home because you know deep down if you did it in public you would probably end up frequently injured, because as can be seen most people don't swallow it and don't like spiral eyed fruitloops talking at them.

So you keep going buzzer, you're already attracting a small band of impressionable followers, but I think your full of shit, your views are a joke, and I'm going to take the piss out of you as and when the mood takes me.
Newlunar said:
buzzer1 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
OK, those of you who believe in what Icke says will you please answer this question....

Do you believe that there are reptiles in human form walking amongst us?

It's not as simple as that but in a vague manner then I'm willing to say yeah I do but like I said it isn't so straight forward as big lizards mooching about.

Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.

Right, so what your saying is there isn't reptilian lifeforms blah blah blah but they are actually in another dimension. Okaaay.
This naturally leads to the next question. How the fook do you know? As for your fishpond analogy- well I feed my fish in the pond outback and in the fishtank in my living room, and I can catagorically state they are very much aware of my existence because if I go near they swim off. The one's in the tank swim to the feedhole when I walk in the room. Perhaps I should name the big one David Pike because they are so unusually tuned in to other dimensions for their species.

Neither, you or David Icke has really any clue about other dimensions, not even the finest minds in science have. What you and others of your ilk actually do is make it up as you go along and forcefit your loose theories to present a cogent point of view.
You do it from the safety of your home because you know deep down if you did it in public you would probably end up frequently injured, because as can be seen most people don't swallow it and don't like spiral eyed fruitloops talking at them.

So you keep going buzzer, you're already attracting a small band of impressionable followers, but I think your full of shit, your views are a joke, and I'm going to take the piss out of you as and when the mood takes me.

I wont sleep tonight now,im gutted and shit scared that you take the piss,boo bloody hoo. When people think or have seen what they perceive as spirits from another dimention,then they also run a mile and are shit scared,and as your fish have got used to you feeding them and are no longer scared,the same would be for humans to embrace and come to terms that there is another side,then they to,would see,that there is nothing to be scared of. moreso,they should be scared and very alarmed that someone would injure somebody else for simply having an opinion. Now get on yer eels,get on yer motorPike and sidecarp,and Skate away,i cant bare the Tenchion.
buzzer1 said:
Newlunar said:
buzzer1 said:
Ive already tried to put the case for reptilians forward in one of my earlier posts cheesy. its basically the same as the spirit world,just another dimention,hence the term,4th dimensional reptilians. I,,ll give you a simpler explanation,when a fish comes to the top of a pond,searching for food,it has no idea that anything exists outside its own little world/dimension,BUT IT DOES,just another dimension;Also,this physical experience is just a visit,our bodies are just a vehicle,or computer,and when we pass over,our soul,or hard drive never dies,thats coz we are infinite,so enjoy yerself why your here,but it certainly aint the end of life when this one is over. When people say,"your mad you",just say,well if youre sane in this f*cked up world,then good luck.

Right, so what your saying is there isn't reptilian lifeforms blah blah blah but they are actually in another dimension. Okaaay.
This naturally leads to the next question. How the fook do you know? As for your fishpond analogy- well I feed my fish in the pond outback and in the fishtank in my living room, and I can catagorically state they are very much aware of my existence because if I go near they swim off. The one's in the tank swim to the feedhole when I walk in the room. Perhaps I should name the big one David Pike because they are so unusually tuned in to other dimensions for their species.

Neither, you or David Icke has really any clue about other dimensions, not even the finest minds in science have. What you and others of your ilk actually do is make it up as you go along and forcefit your loose theories to present a cogent point of view.
You do it from the safety of your home because you know deep down if you did it in public you would probably end up frequently injured, because as can be seen most people don't swallow it and don't like spiral eyed fruitloops talking at them.

So you keep going buzzer, you're already attracting a small band of impressionable followers, but I think your full of shit, your views are a joke, and I'm going to take the piss out of you as and when the mood takes me.

I wont sleep tonight now,im gutted and shit scared that you take the piss,boo bloody hoo. When people think or have seen what they perceive as spirits from another dimention,then they also run a mile and are shit scared,and as your fish have got used to you feeding them and are no longer scared,the same would be for humans to embrace and come to terms that there is another side,then they to,would see,that there is nothing to be scared of. moreso,they should be scared and very alarmed that someone would injure somebody else for simply having an opinion. Now get on yer eels,get on yer motorPike and sidecarp,and Skate away,i cant bare the Tenchion.

I wouldn't run away from a ghost though, especially if he was giving me a lovely cream bun.

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