Wayne Rooney (Merged)

mat said:
This is how it feels to be Rooney
This is how it feels being wank
This is how it feels shagging prossies behind Colleens back.

This is how it feels to be rooney
This is how it feels to be wank
This is how it feels to need another grand from the bank.
Re: Rooney Ends Prostitute Drought

Cambridgeblue said:
He's bald!
He's crap!
We hear he's caught the clap
Wayne Rooney, Wayne Rooney...

England Players - My Theory

Some of the Engerland players are now at the stage in life where they have everything.

So is there a bit of dressing room competition as to who can get the best headlines,or most print space.

Look at the culprits, they all have fit wives, but still insist on going out paying for it.

Cashley Cole
Robot Crouch
Richards has featured.
Gerrard has had headlines

Im sure there are a few more, but are they really competing for Space in the papers.
Re: Rooney Ends Prostitute Drought

possibly a second verse to 'The baby's not yours, it's not yours, oh wayne rooney its Adebayor's' along the lines of 'You knew it weren't yours, you knew it weren't yours, and while she was pregnant, you were off shagging whores...'

there are so many possibilities...
IrishMacca said:
Neville Kneville said:
Clue: We are City fans. Rooney plays for our most hated enemy. Don't understand how this concept is so difficult to grasp.

So you've nothing better in your life to do than be interested in a football players personal life. How sad for you.
I couldn't care less who he plays for, and that goes for any other player, I've no interest in what they do in their personal life, again, surely they should have something better to write about and surely ye have better things to do with your time than read about what Rooney does or doesn't do in his personal life. It's irrelevant of who he plays for, judge him on the pitch, what he does there instead of journos filling papers. I mean anything outside of that is a sad reflection of what entertains people.

I've got loads of interesting things to do. Doesn't mean I can't spare the odd minute taking the piss out of Wayne Rooney amongst various other pleasures. Seems you're spending more time arguing his case on a City forum though. Wonder why that is?
Neville Kneville said:
IrishMacca said:
So you've nothing better in your life to do than be interested in a football players personal life. How sad for you.
I couldn't care less who he plays for, and that goes for any other player, I've no interest in what they do in their personal life, again, surely they should have something better to write about and surely ye have better things to do with your time than read about what Rooney does or doesn't do in his personal life. It's irrelevant of who he plays for, judge him on the pitch, what he does there instead of journos filling papers. I mean anything outside of that is a sad reflection of what entertains people.

I've got loads of interesting things to do. Doesn't mean I can't spare the odd minute taking the piss out of Wayne Rooney amongst various other pleasures. Seems you're spending more time arguing his case on a City forum though. Wonder why that is?

I'm not defending him, simply saying I wont join the lynch mob until we know that it's more than rumours. I wont have a go at a player based on what some prostitute has to say. I think I'll wait to see some sort of fact before I join ye on trying to destroy a players career.
Re: Rooney Ends Prostitute Drought

Very good. I hope this really knocks his confidence and makes him more shit than he has been even recently. At least he's scored twice this season and he didn't have to pay for the penalty.
IrishMacca said:
Neville Kneville said:
I've got loads of interesting things to do. Doesn't mean I can't spare the odd minute taking the piss out of Wayne Rooney amongst various other pleasures. Seems you're spending more time arguing his case on a City forum though. Wonder why that is?

I'm not defending him, simply saying I wont join the lynch mob until we know that it's more than rumours. I wont have a go at a player based on what some prostitute has to say. I think I'll wait to see some sort of fact before I join ye on trying to destroy a players career.

We're City fans though. He doesn't like us & we don't like him. Why shouldn't we do whatever we like?

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