Wayne Rooney twitter comment (regarding Mancini)

TheMightyQuinn said:
My reply

Fuck off you fat, bald, scouse fucking ****. At least Mancini wasn't shagging a brass whilst his kids were being pushed out of your rancid wife's scouse minge you wig wearing fat sack of twat.

I don't have Twitter though.
This post is class ha ha !!!made me choke on my brew laughin :-) prob the best one iv read on here :-) love it
his head might explode soon...

@WayneRooney can't spell Mancini (also its a name so the 'M' is a big one!) bet you can spell #grannyshagger just fine though!
Has he deleted all of this tweets? I can't see anything after August
GazC said:
Has he deleted all of this tweets? I can't see anything after August

apologies looked at wrong profile bfore, got the right one now

<a class="postlink" href="https://twitter.com/#!/WayneRooney" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://twitter.com/#!/WayneRooney</a>
Comrade Buka said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Thank fuck he's a footballer cause quite frankly with his knowledge he'd be as much use as a cock flavoured lollypop to society...

I am thinking there might be quite a few women who might fancy that lollipop, actually...

What if it was Wayne Rooney flavour?
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Comrade Buka said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
Thank fuck he's a footballer cause quite frankly with his knowledge he'd be as much use as a cock flavoured lollypop to society...

I am thinking there might be quite a few women who might fancy that lollipop, actually...

What if it was Wayne Rooney flavour?

Same thing? With a hint of granny?

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