Wayne Rooney twitter comment (regarding Mancini)

Pam said:
Stop singing from the hysterical media hymn shit. Waving an imaginary card is a none issue. I'm glad he did it again after the over the top shit he took the last time he did it. Seems it's okay for Fergie to regularly scream in the fourth official's face and throw hissy fits left right and centre but God forbid he should waved an imaginary card. I'm not going to let the media tell me I should be outraged by something as innocuous as this. People are mugs for repeating it like brain-washed parrots. Some people are being told what to think and are swallowing it.
So annoying.

Lets not forget the countless times the whisky drinking twat constantly tapped his wrist towards the referee...
TheMightyQuinn said:
My reply

Fuck off you fat, bald, scouse fucking ****. At least Mancini wasn't shagging a brass whilst his kids were being pushed out of your rancid wife's scouse minge you wig wearing fat sack of twat.

I don't have Twitter though.

Although it is his own hair you know.
He is just trying to deflect what he started, the guy is to stupid to even see this
bluecroi said:
Saw this a while ago, had to laugh.

Oh, how I wish our ref's had that sort of control

Chelsea, Liverpool & the rags would finish every game with 6 players (at most)
bluecroi said:
Saw this a while ago, had to laugh.


I wish to God football could be like that
bluecroi said:
Saw this a while ago, had to laugh.


I think this is spot on, and the way football has to go. Fuck goal line technology. Fuck replays, the main issue is referees, not because they're shit (although you are, Foy.) but because they get no respect, their decisions get scrutinised by some washed up journo who's never played the game, and as such, cannot control the game.

Refs need mics, so we can hear what is being said in an exchange, and they need to absolutely crack down HARD on appealing, card-waving, abusive language, tugging in the box etc etc. A few red cards and players will soon get the message.

I don't watch rugby, I don't understand it, and the ball is a daft shape, but the officiating generally seems to be of a high standard, and they get the utmost respect from players.

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