We all love Adebayor !

Ticket For Schalke said:
maineroad68 said:
i.m assuming you mean personal. no of course i dont. it was merely a thought about how a City player would concieve a song sung by his own fans that could be considered disrespectful towards his wife. perhaps he.d prefer a song that praised what he did on the pitch.
Yer forgot it was an English class, remember after a full stop 2 spaces. If people sung to me, my wifes abit sore, i would take it as a compliment.
yes, i.m familiar with punctuation, but i.m posting from my mobile so it's difficult to see as the text is so small. but thankyou for an interesting debate. to the OP, agreed, i think we do all love him.
maineroad68 said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Yer forgot it was an English class, remember after a full stop 2 spaces. If people sung to me, my wifes abit sore, i would take it as a compliment.
yes, i.m familiar with punctuation, but i.m posting from my mobile so it's difficult to see as the text is so small. but thankyou for an interesting debate. to the OP, agreed, i think we do all love him.

Nee bother.
we all love emmanual adebayor emmanual adebayor
we all love emmanual adebayor emmanual adebayor

to the tune of yellow sumerine
I'm just worried that the song is not factually correct. I've been trying to guage his size through his shorts and whilst inconclusive, i have yet to see any evidence that he is indeed of elephant proportions.

Also, how is his wife? Is she really sore? Surely she would get used to it or eventually loose elasticity for it to be a problem. Is he even married?
johnmc said:
I'm just worried that the song is not factually correct. I've been trying to guage his size through his shorts and whilst inconclusive, i have yet to see any evidence that he is indeed of elephant proportions.

Also, how is his wife? Is she really sore? Surely she would get used to it or eventually loose elasticity for it to be a problem. Is he even married?

Ahhh you've slipped up there John, I'm afraid. You see the elephant that he is hung like is a small, baby elephant with a very small man-trunk indeed and the reason his wife is a bit sore is that she banged her knee recently and it has been smarting.

The author of this song was simply concerned about her welfare and the song was not in fact penned as some kind of mind numbing, racially stereotypical commentary.

It pays not to make assumptions in these cases, I find. I also think you'll find that his dad is an electrician and not some kind of animal specific zoo keeper.

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