We all love Adebayor !

Surely this song will be easy enough for even us to remember! I think this could become anthemic; a throw back to the uwe rosler 'go west' tune days! ....

To the tune of the chant bit at the end of Kasabian's LSF [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTOQ6g2wyeU&feature=related[/youtube] (easiest bit to hear is around 37/38 secs in)

"naa naa naa.... Emanuel Adebayor"
It's a shite song, not remotely funny and if my 11 year old girl sang it around the house her mum would ban her from going. If you want funny then the scousers did it better in their European cup tie.

Heard them singing straight after the pen that Gerrard got in their semi final

" Adeyor, you were still dancin when Steve Gerrard scored. Now that was funny!

Surely we can do better than that shite we sing. And no I won't sing it cause its garbage. At home it's an absolute no-no in the family stand and away....it's still garbage!

We've got some great songwriters on here so can someone please come up with some decent lyrics that we can 'proudly' get behind around the words of

"feed him the ball cause you know he will score"
Ticket For Schalke said:
man-city10 said:
we all love emmanual adebayor emmanual adebayor
we all love emmanual adebayor emmanual adebayor

to the tune of yellow sumerine

far to muc of a tongue twister.

Isn`t this just like OP but without his first name? Less of a tongue twister definately after a few pints !

we all love Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor !

we all love Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor !

and the team is all aboard

many more goals he will score

and the fans begin to sing

we all love Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor !

we all love Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor, Ad e bayor !

Its a nice song, everyone knows the tune ( we all live in a yellow submarine) and the whole family can sing it.

Plus Emmanuel would love it, I was talkin to an arsenal fan the other day and he told me they didn`t even have

a song for him ?
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWQIIQVdW8" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXWQIIQVdW8</a>

just change the words to suit city instead of arsenal SIMPLES ;)
Ino this is an arsenal song but it is very good and its about our KING KOLO

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-5mVbAeAsM&feature=related" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-5mVbAe ... re=related</a>
i think with alot of people on here that adebayor needs a propper song that is simple n easy 2 sing i quite like the Darts 1 ooo adebayor wen he shoots he scores n the city sing oi oi oi!!although i did like the song wat arsenal sang but we could play around with it abit so were not copyin them,But that song sang on saturday was pathetic n dont want 2 sing it!!!i would like us 2 sing a better song 4 tevez aswel rather than he not munich anymore ive heard a few on here n there good so maybe get them goin!!!Hope we can get a few good songs as i like being vocal at the games!!! any1 coming 2 palace maybe we can start a few there!!!! craig
Adebayor is the 3rd best player in the league after Drogba and Torres and if he keeps on scoring at this rate he would undoubtedly be the best in the League. He has a superb all round game

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