We don´t deserve Roberto


Well-Known Member
18 Apr 2009
Some of us that is.

What do Royle, Keegan, Pearce, Ball, Machin, Clarke, Bond, Hughes, Frizell,Benson, Reid, Coppell, McNeill, (do I need to go on?) have in common. OK amongst other things they have never won a league title in the big 4 countries. ie England, Italy, Spain and Germany. Either before coming to City or after leaving. This is the type of manager we have had to put up with for over 30 years.

Only Sven(Italy) and Howard Kendall (here) have.

So now we have a three time Seria A winner and people are slagging him off after 2 months. Un fucking believable. 2 months in which we have moved from 7th to 4th.

OK the football has not been pretty. But by and large it has been effective. He has added two players, one on loan.

Those of you suggesting Bellamy should be supported over the manager should get a grip. This is a guy, who while he trys hard on the pitch and has undoubted ability, is never far from controversy off it. Result won nowt and been moving from club to club for over a decade.

I gave Hughes way more than 2 months benefit of the doubt and he had an empty CV. Please could some of you extend the same courtesy to a man who has won more league titles than our previous 20 combined. And he is still only 45 years old.
the premier league is a whole different playing field to the seria A. for one i think italian football is garbage most of the time. it is a huge contrast in football and his tactics aren't suited to be used here. however i'm not doubting his ability at all
have to agree with this mate, cannot believe some of our fans are acting like spoilt children...

mancini is a good manager, he needs time like all other managers do and he needs some of his own players... get a grip blues!
Ah but drawing every game is better than win one, lose one, because it means you've not lost a game and that's the main thing. Hughes and Bowen are the future of football. Mancini, with his scarf and his defending and his trophies is the past. Wise up!
Agreed. Some people are still so far up Hughes arse that they cant bear to see Mancini do well. 2 months...4th spot....and people want him out...you couldnt make it up.

If he goes at the end of the season, he goes, but this club will look like a laughing stock and this time it will be well deserved.
Won them titles in the league in which the current Vieira was of some use. Look at what Taggart's won but I still think he's a clueless knob who's won stuff because United have had the pick of the country's talent for 20 years.
Having said all that, Mancini is unproven one way or the other over here and he's stuck with a bunch of players who I don't have much faith in, so I say wait and see. Hughes signed some bloody numpties, that is the real problem.
Apart from Tevez we're completely shot shy!
Some City fans are never happy.

We gave Hughes 1.5 seasons and 200mil.

Can we not give Mancini the same (with maybe 60-70m)?
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
Agreed. Some people are still so far up Hughes arse that they cant bear to see Mancini do well.
The Hughes-Outers don't get it. Hughes has gone, whatever any of us who wanted him to be given to the end of the season think. The only thing we see is what's on the pitch now and that is utter and complete dross. A fluent, attacking team playing like a bunch of clueless statues, players not performing and nil entertainment value.

Yes we're currently 4th but we owe that position to three things:
1) We had a "new manager bounce" for a few games. We even had that under Pearce, the very definition of cluelessness.
2) We haven't played a team above 12th place under Mancini.
3) The teams around us dropping points. We picked up 16 out of 24 under Mancini whereas Spurs picked up 10/24 and Villa 9/21. If they'd been less inconsistent then we'd be well adrift in 6th.

Carry on like we have been and we'll be lucky to get a Europa Cup place let alone top 4.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Sun Jihai's ghost said:
Agreed. Some people are still so far up Hughes arse that they cant bear to see Mancini do well.
The Hughes-Outers don't get it. Hughes has gone, whatever any of us who wanted him to be given to the end of the season think. The only thing we see is what's on the pitch now and that is utter and complete dross. A fluent, attacking team playing like a bunch of clueless statues, players not performing and nil entertainment value.

Yes we're currently 4th but we owe that position to three things:
1) We had a "new manager bounce" for a few games. We even had that under Pearce, the very definition of cluelessness.
2) We haven't played a team above 12th place under Mancini.
3) The teams around us dropping points. We picked up 16 out of 24 under Mancini whereas Spurs picked up 10/24 and Villa 9/21. If they'd been less inconsistent then we'd be well adrift in 6th.

Carry on like we have been and we'll be lucky to get a Europa Cup place let alone top 4.


Good post

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