"We Never Win At Home And We Never Win Away......

WNRH said:
Cannot understand why it wasn't like that for the previous 45 mins. It was a morgue again and we are fast getting a reputation for the quietest and shittest fans in the league[/color].

As for the south stand, they might as well watch the game on TV, it's a better view and they are still contributing to the atmosphere in their living rooms as they would be in the stands.

Great last 30 mins though, it's what going to a game should be all about, HAVING FUN.
I think that's definitely us. I go on to other club's forums after most games and the line always pops up "how shit were the City fans?" this has been noticeable for about three or four months. I remember last season many fans visiting our ground would write positively about our noise on their forums.

In just a matter of months we've fucked off supporting the team. We just sit/stand and watch.
jrb said:
Exactly. What we did on Thursday night is what most European fans/Ultra's do across Europe on a match by match basis.

0-2 down, out of Europe, and the team playing s***, and we still got behind the team and carried on singing and supporting them throughout the majority of the second half.

You just had see the faces of the Sporting fans when we began singing "we never, and carried it on throughout the second half, along with all the other songs. They were impressed, bemused, etc

The usual English/PL football fan mentality is to stand there and do nothing once their team is being beat. Think back to Poznan, Aris, PSG, etc. Their fans carried on singing and getting behind the team regardless of the scoreline. In Europe it's a matter of pride and is ingrained in football fans.

As for out home support. I'm sick of people always moaning about it. It's not the best, but it's ceratinly not the worst. Only Stoke, Spurs and possibly Newcastle is better. United, no. Liverpool, no.(so over hyped by the media) Who else is better? Swansea? First season in the PL, loving the big clubs coming, so their fans make some expected noise. Sunderland? An under performing team that's improved and the fans have responded. The rest? As I've always stated, there isn't a set of fans in the PL who have as much banter with the away fans as us. Fact!

Let's see what the atmopshere is like against Chelsea, Sunderland and United.

you want to hear the barcodes moaning about their atmosphere, Ashley abandoned their singing section because they were singing negative songs about him
There is a light said:
WNRH said:
Honestly mate, i go to the home games and then watch it back for the full 90 mins so i can use an example of both. I then watch any game that is at those grounds you have mentioned and ours sounds a lot worse on the TV.

What does it matter what is sounds like on TV? Our atmosphere 'problem' is blown out of all proportion imo, mostly by paranoid Blues as well. Of course the atmposphere was shit last night in the first half, we were unexpectedly 2-0 down and it seemed out of Europe. Would any of the supporters you have mentioned backed their team if they needed 4 goals in the last half an hour, not a chance. Likewise there isn't a chance we are one of the shittest atmospheres in the country week in week out. I sit on level 3 and the noise consistently travels well. We aren't Aris or Lech Poznan, but we are certainly better than Liverpool or the Rags, no matter what they say on Facebook or Twitter.
Honestly mate, we're seriously not better than Liverpool or the Rags. We're properly quiet!

-- Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:11 am --

grim up north said:
jrb said:
Exactly. What we did on Thursday night is what most European fans/Ultra's do across Europe on a match by match basis.

0-2 down, out of Europe, and the team playing s***, and we still got behind the team and carried on singing and supporting them throughout the majority of the second half.

You just had see the faces of the Sporting fans when we began singing "we never, and carried it on throughout the second half, along with all the other songs. They were impressed, bemused, etc

The usual English/PL football fan mentality is to stand there and do nothing once their team is being beat. Think back to Poznan, Aris, PSG, etc. Their fans carried on singing and getting behind the team regardless of the scoreline. In Europe it's a matter of pride and is ingrained in football fans.

As for out home support. I'm sick of people always moaning about it. It's not the best, but it's ceratinly not the worst. Only Stoke, Spurs and possibly Newcastle is better. United, no. Liverpool, no.(so over hyped by the media) Who else is better? Swansea? First season in the PL, loving the big clubs coming, so their fans make some expected noise. Sunderland? An under performing team that's improved and the fans have responded. The rest? As I've always stated, there isn't a set of fans in the PL who have as much banter with the away fans as us. Fact!

Let's see what the atmopshere is like against Chelsea, Sunderland and United.

you want to hear the barcodes moaning about their atmosphere, Ashley abandoned their singing section because they were singing negative songs about him
Bad that isn't it?! He didn't allow seasoncard holders to renew their seats in the Gallowgate End and spread them out around the ground. What a wanker!
LoveCity said:
WNRH said:
Great last 30 mins though, it's what going to a game should be all about, HAVING FUN.

But there's not many stadiums in the modern day English Premier League where fans would make a noise in the first half like that. Swansea and Stoke maybe? Certainly none of the top sides.

I agree that the South Stand needs to sort their act out though, they are supposed to be the exception, a singing section is supposed to sing constantly but they are put to shame by the "Kippax". Moving the away fans into that area and the "Kippax" into the South Stand could be a solution, there would still be the banter but we'd genuinely have a full stand capable of singing.

I for one don't want to see this happen but think it (or something similar) will.

Ever since I could afford it, I've had my season ticket on the Kippax/East side of the ground as I leave sitting behind the goals to away matches and also couldn't then and wouldn't now pay the premium of sitting in Main stands with no atmosphere. I've been in all the stands (except the Gene Kelly!) at both grounds, swapping seats for cup games or with friends/family just to check out what it's like where they sit and have come to the conclusion I'm happy where I am in 110 and have no intention of moving as it has the best mix of atmosphere and view in the ground.

However the following leads me to think another shift, like the family stand the other year, is in the pipeline...

1. Experiments with moving away fans to the third tier to be replaced by singing section. This idea would only work if the fans in the singing section were actually the fans who sing and not armchairs and tourists which is what happened in the trials. The seats we vacate could be filled by sleeper cell fans, bandwagon jumpers, Johnny come latelys, cockneys... can't think of any more cliches for inevitable expanding fan base and the potential market inroads they bring! I like seeing the away fans as I enjoy the banter (one of my original reasons for choosing this end of the ground) but have noticed away grounds this season, particularly Europe, where we've been put up high and the home fans below having a cracking time all the way round, drowning us out. At our place the opposite happens.

2. Lots of questions in surveys about atmosphere, singing etc.

3. The standing issue from 109 to 111. I've not sat down for two seasons now as no-one else has. In the letters we received regarding persistent standing, it mentioned the South Stand being allowed to stand as it's a singing section. While I can't imagine the club being allowed to have an entire end standing, I could see them moving the standing fans into one area and then enforcing the no standing policy on the fans who won't move.

4. Also not linked directly to my block but the 2nd tier corners. I'm billed for family members (never buy others season tickets on your credit card) in the cup scheme and have noticed they are being charged more than us for these games. Don't know the reason or if this is a new thing but look at modern grounds such as the Emirates and the middle tiers are premium. So maybe these guys could be moving?

I'm gonna stop now as this has no doubt been brought up on other threads and I'm going off on a paranoid conspiracy tangent but I'm sure you can forgive a first time poster on blowing his wad in one go! I get really wound up when it comes to fans, atmosphere and don't get me started on the booing at half time. Maybe if we all got behind the team all the way round then we wouldn't have to look at moving people to create an atmosphere. How good were the Sporting fans at their place? Both ends could sing to each other, we can't even get a call and response between our end and the South Stand.

To get back to the OP, it was good to hear a blast from the past and it was picked up by the team, if not the whole ground. Need this song and other classics to be sung from the start against Chelsea and the remaining home matches from now on. The second half was reminiscent of the Hamburg game and while both games finished in us exiting competitions, I'd rather that than we all turn into zombies like at the swamp and only sing when a trophy is paraded on the pitch. Let's try and enjoy where we are and where we're going. Stop biting our nails and start singing!
we need to swap the away fans with blocks 109,110 and 111 then wed get a full singing section, somthing like 6,500 blues ( i think) in the south stand, still next to the away fans
NO we don't. I'm not moving for no-one.

If we all got behind the team then we wouldn't need to even think of moving fans or desperate gimmicks like playing crowd noises over the PA during the Pearce era.

Fuck me, whether the team are great or crap one thing seems consistent since we moved to Eastlands and that's the lack of atmosphere. We need to sort this one out now and get the whole ground singing.

I hate to mention them but if Spurs can do it week in week out with a less fans than us then why can't we?
bluebannana said:
we need to swap the away fans with blocks 109,110 and 111 then wed get a full singing section, somthing like 6,500 blues ( i think) in the south stand, still next to the away fans
No we don't.

Why don't people stop curtain twitching and fucking sing where they are if they are so arsed.

We have the best league record in Europe at home so it's not as if we are making the team play shite is it. Unlike Stoke with their noisy crowd and shite home record.
ballinio said:
A ridiculously stupid song sung by pissed up morons, how on earth could this song lift the players ?

Bang on. What sort of pricks sing about failure with such gusto?
doots said:
BiBaBo said:
ballinio said:
A ridiculously stupid song sung by pissed up morons, how on earth could this song lift the players ?

Bang on. What sort of pricks sing about failure with such gusto?

Me,with plenty of gusto sweetcheeks.

Me too. I thought it brought us down a peg or two on Thursday and reminded me of when we turned up to enjoy the experience and hope for a win rather than expecting it like we seem to now. It's probably one of the reasons why the atmosphere's so shit these days. More of it I say.

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