We Will Win the League - They're I've Said It

best thing that could happen right now could be a narrow loss. theyve all been followed by ztrings of wins, while bob's been in charge. its still early days, and tbh i think the run is disguising some real hit and miss form from one or two significant players. the reason pozt christmas tends to be more troublesome is because injuries start to bite, and your accrued yellow card suspensions start to figure. but then again, we do have the best squad going, one of the very best in the world, in fact.

i'd say its definitely coming to us or the rags, still cant say quite which way yet tho.
Marvin said:
Too soon to say as we might be playing like Champions now, but what will it be like in February and March when we have 2 games a week, and we 2/3rd of the way through a long hard season? It's one thing playing great football now, but another tough ask to be able to continue when fatigue, injuries and pressure kicks in.

All we've done is put ourselves in a great position.

The most encouraging thing apart from our own play is the standard of our rivals whixh has unquestionably slipped
We've been playing 2 games a week since August, and Bobs squad rotation has been the best the PL has ever seen, handling the various competitions (and players ego's). We have won 11/12 in the league (should be 12/12) scoring more than anyone else has ever done, 2/2 in the carling cup, and our CL has steadily improved DLWW. If fatigue, injuries and pressure were going to be a factor we'd have seen it already.

I'm not sure what they have to do to convince people this is the real deal, anyone that has watched united should know they are flattering to deceive, Chelsea are struggling, Arsenal are recovering after a dreadful start. Liverpool are a way off despite a good result today. Our biggest threats at the moment are Spurs and Arsenal imho.

Our form is outstanding, if not unbelievable, we've played 3 of the top 5, and have a 100% record, 2 of these away from home, and we've scored 11 and conceded 2 in those 2 away games. We have the equal best defensive record in the league, and have scored 13 more than anyone else.

I'm with Blue2112.
Yeah, I'm with the OP on this, since QPR. The main reason, I can't see who else is gonna finish above us. It certainly WON'T be the rags. In fact they will do well to finish 2nd.
Have finally dropped the negative blue cloud. We are going to win. F@ck the 'jinx' crap. And we will do handsomely. We have a long and lovely road ahead and I'm loving it.
"The standard of our rivals has unquestionably slipped", but for the life of me I don't understand wtf is wrong with Liverpool and Chelsea. The quality is there, but why isn't it coming together???

Lets hope it stays this why.
blumoonrisen said:
I had £50 with a rag mate at the start of the season that we'd win it.

i never bet like that, i let rags go on with themselves and i go to the bookies to get odds, make more money that way.
i have not actually backed us this season, last season was the first time i hadn't backed us to win the cup, based on me being a jinx i left them alone this time round for the title :)
Re: We Will Win the League - There, I've Said It

manimanc said:
we have the squad to compete on all fronts and even toure being away for the african cup doesn`t concern me,we arn`t a one man team anymore,we`re a galvanised unit and win,lose or draw these guys are well up for the fight and would sweat blood for mancini and the blue shirt...

this season is going to be fuckin sex,drugs and rock n roll all rolled into one.....

Release the beasts.!!!!!!<br /><br />-- Mon Nov 21, 2011 1:04 am --<br /><br />
ifiwasarichfan said:
Nobody with any knowledge of the Game can realistically argue against any of Blue2112 points. It is only our past experiences of watching City through the years that hold us ( the fans) back.

Scum will not have this problem. Any minute now Taggert and his Journalists are going to trot out the old tried and trusted; - " We are always a lot stronger after Christmas" routine.

Taggert can stick his old cliche under his new stand.

We will get stronger also. Chelsea and Arsenal are more than likely too far behind even now and Scum are only limping along.

I really think it is ours to loose.

"Taggert can stick his old cliche under his new stand." QUALITY HAHAHA

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