Wearing your City top in public

My lad is 17 now,and been going with me since he was 3.
Over the years I'v had plenty of shit going and coming home off groups of rags mainly,even though
I had a young kid with me,every fucking one has had it back and touch wood,every one as backed down
or shut up or said " only joking mate ,I'm not really bothered anymore etc ",
Their safety in numbers when stood up to normally crumbles.
Good morning
I was reading the thread regarding the city charges and some fans were speaking about being targets for hate/abuse while out and about wearing there Man City tops.

It got me thinking, how many of you have had these sort of issues?

Personally I avoid wearing mine when I’m not attending the game mainly due to being an introvert and I find wearing a football jersey a topic for conversation, whether it’s banter or someone just randomly shouting ‘come on city’.
I can’t be bothered, I like to be left alone.

I have only had one issue of a gang of lads shouting abuse at me when attending a game, it wasn’t banter and could have turned quite nasty, but that’s the only issue I have had.

Just interested in your thoughts regarding this
I'm an extrovert and so wear mine hoping for a conversation, in reality it rarely happens and when it does I've never had abuse-most people that spout the shit do so behind a keyboard and would never say the same things face to face.
I shit you not with this.
Just returned from Boston. The American Concierge recognised our accents (possibly my City cap too) and asked was I a City supporter, or a supporter of some club in trafford.
I obviously replied City - his response "oh the oil club", I didn't have the time/patience to correct the fool

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