
I was 17 that summer, loved it, with my friends we were out every night just enjoying life. If it happened now all we'd hear on Social Media is "how we can keep safe in this dangerous climate".

Just been the worst 12 months of weather I can remember, don't think we've had one week without rain since around the middle of July last year.
So right about the media mate. The BBC are the worst - even when the weather is about 15c ( approx 60 -65f) they show the weather map as RED. Totally subliminally influencing sheeples to believe climate Armagedon is nigh.

The weather is shite ATM, but this June is very like 1991 (we got married so happy memories) - lousy in the mornings, but generally brightening up a bit in the afternoon. Grab what bit of sun you can.
What is weird is my grass hasn’t grown much. It’s about 4 weeks since I mowed it. Usually left that long it’s all over.

It’s been raining non-stop with bouts of sunshine.

Fucking hell!

It’s sunny, warm, dry, with a nice breeze! :-)
According to my mum, it snowed early June back in the mid 70s and a week later we had a heatwave. She probably dreamt it, though.
I was a kid that hot summer of 75.

Lancashire were playing a game against Derbyshire at Buxton of all places in June, I went to the first day and believe it or not the game was snowed off. The following day the game had to be stopped due to the strong sun reflecting off glass in the ground and the batsmen were blinded and could not see the ball.

Then followed one of the UK's hottest ever summers.

freak snow stopped cricket ...
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I was a kid that hot summer of 75.

Lancashire were playing a game against Derbyshire at Buxton of all places in June, I went to the first day and believe it or not the game was snowed off. The following day the game had to be stopped due to the strong sun reflecting off glass in the ground and the batsmen were blinded and could not see the ball.

Then followed one of the UK's hottest ever summers.

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Was it deffo 75 mate? In my mind I always had it down as 76.

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