Well Done Gary Cook!

bobbyjoe said:
cook should have come out, done the statement, answered some questions, job done!, instead droped mancini in the shit, but he came across very well, english was good and seemed a very confident man, who could take up a level!, come on city. i dont like cook!
FFS he did excactly what you suggested he should do, open your eyes and look before you get your ptichfolks out.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mcfc.co.uk/News/Club-news/2009/December/Garry-Cook-statement" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mcfc.co.uk/News/Club-news/20 ... -statement</a>
I think Garry Cook did very well considering the situation he was in

1. The decision was taken to replace MH after the Hull game,
at the time i think the vast majority of people on here were saying the same.
2. The target was revised to 70 points after the increased investment in the summer.
I don't see anything wrong with that either.
3. We were not on target to get this point total.
Can't disagree with this.
4. Did we sound out Hiddink?
You would hope so really.
5. Would you admit to approaching Hiddink at Mancini's press conference
Not a f**king chance.
6. Would you expect the board to start condidering options after 7 straight draws?
7. do you want a board to watch a situation not working and do nothing about it?
8. Do you want a board that is not scared of making the tough decisions.
Damn right i do.
9. Do we have to justify ourselves to the press after they did everything in their power to undermine MH.
No chance.
10. Did we balls up the way we delt with the sacking?
11. So should we have put it off for a couple of weeks so it looked better?

I got the impression that Garry was pissed of with the reporters and quite rightly so, however i also got the distinct impression that he and the board know where we are going and that they will do whatever it takes to get there. At the end of the day thats the mentality we must have.
Every manager wants more time but not many were in MH situation, we all know we need time to gel but you can't use this as an excuse when you are the one who goes out and buys a new team.

as for the semi final argument, brilliant, i am as happy as anyone that we have got ther but lets be honest with the team we have put out against the opposition played you would expect nothing less.

I think Garry has done the best we could hope for under the circumstances.
BlueMoonWalker said:
I thought he handled the situation as well as could be expected with such a hostile reception, I'd like to see some of the snipers on here sit in front of that lot and not fluff a few words.

I would have started throwing a few of the smug ones out, some of those so called journalists were totally out of order. As much as some people may think we have no right to know every detail with what goes on at our club behind closed doors.

It certainly wasn't a new managers unveiling, it was a witchhunt.

Well Done Cook did us proud by not hitting any of them, because I felt like it just watching the interview.

If MCFC and the CEO are feeding me what I think is guff, I do have a right to ask relevant questions because the press conference, whilst it was to introduce, allegedly, the new manager the CEO took it as an opportunity to present his side of the events prior to, during and after the sacking of Mark Hughes.
Typical press, digging for dirt. I feel better about the situation after watching Cooke's explanation. Felt bad for Mancini as the so-called Journalist's were trying hard to trip him up. I do believe this needed to happen and that City will benefit, albeit with some up and down times. We are used to mood swings as City fans though, and we will prevail. Mark Hughes will move on to another position, I thank him for what he has done for the club and wish him well. Let's prepare for a wild ride and watch City move forward, I for one feel confident success is on the horizon. I live in the US now but spent the first 24 years of my life living in Manchester, watched Bell, Lee and Sumerbee making us proud. Always been a blue, always will be.
SalfordCityBlue said:
Kula Sheikher said:
All the tension could have been taken out of the situation, if he had answered a few questions at the start, rather than saying no questions, then butting in to answer some 20 mins later.

The questions that were shouted out were all confrontational bullshit designed to get a shocking quote. He did exactly the right thing not answering - would have been better not getting involved at all again after the statement had been read.

Seems to me some City fans are out for blood to appease their hurt pride after backing Hughes so vociferously, and Cook is their fall guy of choice.


Well put. I thought Cook did a good job. He admitted mistakes were made and that we need to move on. And then (like every City fan that was watching) became fed up of the blatant bating and sniping towards Mancini, and put the press in there place.

Im sure the press will hammer Cook for it, but anybody with an ounce of intelligence will see through the gutter press.
The man is a complete joke. He is full of shit. He is an embarassment to our club.
ramsdale4 said:
Im sure the press will hammer Cook for it, but anybody with an ounce of intelligence will see through the gutter press.

And there in lies the problem.... lack of itelligence and ignorance the bain of the UK and why the press get away with so much shit
Completely agree with the OP, Gary Cook did brilliantly and although its not to everyones taste, thats exactly how i would have handled it. It was obvious he was getting seriously pissed off with some of the petulant journos, and he handled himself brilliantly.
''Get Out Of Are Club, Get Out Of Are Club, You Dirty Brummy B*****d, Get Out Of Are Club'' !!!!!!!

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