Well Done Gary Cook!

the press conference was to introduce mancini to the fans and watching public but turned out being a media witchhunt against city,trying to get mancini answering questions about hughes sacking that has fcuk to do with him, some one said on an earlier thread if it had been jose they would have been like lap dogs,cook tends to put his foot in it at times but fair play new the press were only interested in hughes sacking and fcuk all else...
abu13 said:
I think Garry Cook did very well considering the situation he was in

1. The decision was taken to replace MH after the Hull game,
at the time i think the vast majority of people on here were saying the same.
2. The target was revised to 70 points after the increased investment in the summer.
I don't see anything wrong with that either.
3. We were not on target to get this point total.
Can't disagree with this.
4. Did we sound out Hiddink?
You would hope so really.
5. Would you admit to approaching Hiddink at Mancini's press conference
Not a f**king chance.
6. Would you expect the board to start condidering options after 7 straight draws?
7. do you want a board to watch a situation not working and do nothing about it?
8. Do you want a board that is not scared of making the tough decisions.
Damn right i do.
9. Do we have to justify ourselves to the press after they did everything in their power to undermine MH.
No chance.
10. Did we balls up the way we delt with the sacking?
11. So should we have put it off for a couple of weeks so it looked better?

I got the impression that Garry was pissed of with the reporters and quite rightly so, however i also got the distinct impression that he and the board know where we are going and that they will do whatever it takes to get there. At the end of the day thats the mentality we must have.
Every manager wants more time but not many were in MH situation, we all know we need time to gel but you can't use this as an excuse when you are the one who goes out and buys a new team.

as for the semi final argument, brilliant, i am as happy as anyone that we have got ther but lets be honest with the team we have put out against the opposition played you would expect nothing less.

I think Garry has done the best we could hope for under the circumstances.

Great post and exactly how I feel, these fans calling Cook just dont like him anyway. They didnt when he arrived and they dont now! He did well today, but one point I must add is I think he is also pissed off with some of the fans too... Hence the "putting the fans straight" type message at the start of the conference. Well done Cook, well done Mancini, I have faith in both of you and our owners. P.s. If the owner was in London (he said he met Kaldoon and the boss man!) then why didnt he pop on over and say hi to us all?
Well done Garry Cook... Well done Roberto (absolutely georgeous) Mancini. You were both a credit to Manchester City FC. How Cook held his temper with the gutter press, I'll never know!
Ryan_Mcfc said:
''Get Out Of Are Club, Get Out Of Are Club, You Dirty Brummy B*****d, Get Out Of Are Club'' !!!!!!!
It fills me with pride to see we have such a high standard of supporter following our club. By the way; it's "our", not "are". Best stick to the colouring-in book for the time being. Prick.
I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd twatted one of them medja twats especially the aggressive red faced weaselly looking rag nobber who was desperate to try and force a mistake of some sort.

It was not an inquisition but a press conference and the question of timing was clearly answered even if GC didn't say what the hacks wanted to hear i.e. yes of course we started negotiations months ago and always intended to treat Hughes with derision.

When GC got angry he was quite emotional in his defence of the good ship MCFC and as I do the same when someone riles me on the subject I actually quite warmed to him. Looks like he has the same bug as the rest of us.

As for Mancini, he has my respect for sticking to English throughout and when the rag hacks tried to ambush him with the issue of his target, the way he responded, with Top 4 but his own target was always to win lots of trophies, was music to my ears.

I still feel sorry for Hughes but Mancini had it right. This is modern football and it is nothing new.

If nothing else our owners have displayed their absolute cold ambition and determination to drag this club kicking and screaming to the highest echelons of the game. Such ruthlessness is probably a pre-requisite to achieving this success when you consider all the forces that are clearly ranged against us.

I wish Mr Mancini the very best of luck. He's gonna need it.
BlueMoonWalker said:
I thought he handled the situation as well as could be expected with such a hostile reception, I'd like to see some of the snipers on here sit in front of that lot and not fluff a few words.

I would have started throwing a few of the smug ones out, some of those so called journalists were totally out of order. As much as some people may think we have no right to know every detail with what goes on at our club behind closed doors.

It certainly wasn't a new managers unveiling, it was a witchhunt.

Well Done Cook did us proud by not hitting any of them, because I felt like it just watching the interview.

I'd give him a 6/10, I thought he could've been a bit calmer(!) but it was the right thing to stick to the statement as the media ratpack were only interested in pushing their bullshit agenda.
bluemanc said:
He was stressed as fuck & at one point i thought he was going to say fuck off.
The girl pulled him out of the shit...........it'd be funny if she got his job.

Yes, I thought for a Chief Exec, he was particularly unpolished. I get nervous doing presentations and stuff and he was how I would have expected I would be in front of the media like that. But I expect better from a Chief Executive.

Still, Richard Branson has made a career out of being an uncharismatic bumbling buffoon and it hasn't done him any harm.
SalfordCityBlue said:
Kula Sheikher said:
All the tension could have been taken out of the situation, if he had answered a few questions at the start, rather than saying no questions, then butting in to answer some 20 mins later.

The questions that were shouted out were all confrontational bullshit designed to get a shocking quote. He did exactly the right thing not answering - would have been better not getting involved at all again after the statement had been read.

Seems to me some City fans are out for blood to appease their hurt pride after backing Hughes so vociferously, and Cook is their fall guy of choice.


Well said.Those press cnuts were after blood.What should Cook do?Sit there and let them take the piss out of Mancini under the thinly veiled cover of asking questions about Hughes?

Pathetic indeed.

I'd Fuck Winter and Custis out of the press room for good.

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