Well done HARRY.

BoredSpursFan said:
Hope he goes through with it, as he said, what is he supposed to say when asked the question? The whole thing was farcical and Clattenburg had a nightmare throughout the whole incident; managers should be able to comment on decisions like that as long as they are respectful, which he was. Just as ludicrous as the actual incident was Ferdinand's participation in the discussions between the linesman and Clattenburg, after our players were waved away, seemingly he has special dispensation to join in as he is the England captain.
I agree mate. Not many on here will agree but i don't really mind Harry, and he's 100% right on this one. Why give interviews if you're not allowed to really answer the questions. Why drag someone for an interview and then ask them the most patronising questions possible, whilst they are still irate?

Clattenberg is a first class wanker anyway.
The TV companies can't have it all ways. They are always chasing interviews 'in the heat of the moment'. Because of this, managers and players will speak their minds. They want it, we want it so let it happen. You can't have it all ways, either they want insightful comments or they don't.

I understand that there is a fine line between criticising and accusing of corruption, but as long as that line isn't crossed, the FA should keep out of it.
The FA never want to see the likes of Shankley, Clough or Big Mal again,can you imagine Revie or Big daft Jack keeping their mouth shut
love the way he's turned this on its head and backed the fa into a corner - if they bottle it, every manager will just do the same and the system will crash...if they stand up to him, he'll be the first of many if he just sticks to his guns
pissedagain said:
fuck me alex keeping shut now arry only leaves fat sam out of the brown envelope brigade..oh sorry forgot gartside but hes ok hes only a fucking chairman.....go brown envelopes
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/redknapp-threatens-ban-on-cliched,-platitudinous-bullshit-201011023212/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/spo ... 011023212/</a>

HARRY Redknapp has threatened a blackout of worthless, instantly forgettable post-match comments which ultimately demean both him and you.

It is alleged that air was forced through one of these, needlessly
The Spurs manager, who gets paid more in a year than you will in two lifetimes to pick some footballers, said that if the FA sanctions him for saying some words about a referee then he would refuse to stand next to someone from a newspaper or television channel and say words like 'they showed a lot of passion out there' or 'that was an appalling decision'.

Redknapp is facing action from the FA for being angry about something a referee did during a football match and then expressing his feelings about it to some other people.

Footballologists said that refereeing a football match could never be an exact science and referees can often make unintentional mistakes, but also stressed that those with a vested interest in the outcome of the match may be temporarily irked by these non-deliberate errors.

But an FA spokesman said: "It is simply not acceptable to criticise a referee in these ter... oh God, d'you know what? I can't do this any more. I don't fucking care what he said. Do you? I mean, how can this possibly matter to anyone?"

He added: "What are we doing with our lives? Do you know what I'm saying? I am begging you, please tell me - what the fuck are we doing with our lives?"

The spokesman then began to laugh with increasing hysteria before breaking down into heaving, desperate sobs and saying 'I'm sorry' over and over again to no-one in particular.

Meanwhile Redknapp has issued a list of the things that some people will not be able to hear him say if the FA decide to punish him for whatever the thing was in paragraph three.

Phrases include: 'Very talented', 'excellent workrate' and 'I have just begun hormone treatment in advance of sexual reassignment surgery'.
Wonder if Pulis would have done this with Stoke being denied a perfect goal against Spurs. They still would have lost anyway. Utter idiot.
Good on him i say! I hope he gives a little bit more out on the standard of officiating in football before he gets the fine and then decides not to speak anymore, because they deserve it!

He was the only manager to come out and slag off FIFA/UEFA for the stupid international there was in the midweek before the Prem started in August. Well done to him for that because he was right to do that then n'all!

I don't mind Redknapp, he speaks his mind and doesn't just conform to the PC media bollocks that most other football managers and players do who talk a lot of words but pretty much all say the same thing which basically amounts to nothing at all worth listening to.

Yes he's a dodgy fucker and is a wheeler-dealer! But so am i, all my mates, some of my family, and many Bluemooners - so wheres the problem?!

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