Well done HARRY.

Barcon said:
I personally don't understand all this nonsense with the F.A investigating managers comments and stuff. What would be wrong if Redknapp would have went out there and said, "The ref must be either blind or fucking stupid. How can he possibly support a family with that level of inteligence"?
I don't understand for one minute how these refs can make calls like that and not be made to look like a pillock on t.v.

The FA run the game in this country, and I suspect that other national FAs are just the same, by operating the most outrageous brand of justice that no court of law would tolerate.

They uphold a system that protects the incompetent and punishes the innocent.

Referees should be made to come out and justify the decisions they take. It won't happen 'cos they will end up looking even bigger tossers than they are to start with.

The Laws of the Game allow for that joke of a goal, but ino one involved with the FA or the referees group can be happy with that situation, let alone the miserable performance of the referee for the second week running.

I don't often find myself shoulder to shoulder with 'Arry but on this occasion anyone who has any affection for the game cannot but empathise with the comment that it was a FArce. I've often said on this forum that it is not insignificant that the first two letters of farce are FA!
fuck me alex keeping shut now arry only leaves fat sam out of the brown envelope brigade..oh sorry forgot gartside but hes ok hes only a fucking chairman.....go brown envelopes
marcspurs said:
He basically said, the press and TV drag managers out for interviews within a few minutes of the final whistle and when asked a direct question about whether the referee was right about giving the Nani goal HR replied "No, he made a right mess of it"....... now the FA (who insist you make yourself available for these interviews unless your name is fergie) are contemplating charging Redknapp......

Now I realise many of you on here don't like him, but as he said, what are they going to charge me for, giving an honest answer to a question??

What was I meant to say, Nani did not handle the ball and the referee handled the whole situation perfectly.....

If they want to charge me then don't expect me to give any post match interviews again, ever.....

I may be a Spurs fan, but in essence he is right..... if his answer is not what the FA want to hear, what is he meant to do (a) not say anything when someone from ESPN, SKY, BBC has a microphone shoved up ur nose or (b) lie......???

If I was a Spurs fan I'd be fucking furious. Clattenburg is corrupt, enough said. If this was in Italy, some very serious questions would be being asked. Fucking corrupt. I hope Rednapp sticks by his guns, and I'm with him 100%. Typical shite arsed referee at the Swamp.
He didn't go far enough in my opinion. If it was me the FA wouldn't need till Tuesday to decide. They would have already charged me. I think he showed restraint. Calling Clattenburg a "good referee". FFS Harry, nobody can be that incompetent without being corrupt.

The guy was sacked, appealed and was reinstated, I wonder what his appeal was? I'll go to the papers? A cheat of the highest order.

I too hope he stands his ground.
ssg2 said:
hertsblue said:
The Football Association will decide on Tuesday whether to charge Redknapp for his description of the disputed goal

Just sums up the FA. Nothing about the continued incompetance of this ref, nothing about the lack of respec shown by Utd players with van Der Sar rushing from the other side of the pitch to have a pop. Nothing about Scholes forcibly pushing Clattenburg, so much so he almost lost his balance. Nothing about the non captain of Utd continuing to speak after all Spurs have been waved away. Nothing to do with Spurs players booked for thier 1st fouls, Gallas and kaboul but fletcher and co getting away with kick after kick after kick. Nothing about the continued lack of sportsmanship by nani, shortly after his appalling behavious in the liverpool game.

But call the farce a farce and thier all over you unless your the Utd manager

Are you seriously blaming united for this? a new bitter low

Nope, im just saying of all the wrongs about that incident, for the FA to say they may act on his comment alone and not act on the above incidents shows how useless they are
Don't like the bloke, absolute tossewr.

but in this case i stand by him, well done, fair play.

seeing as managers have to come and explain their actions and decisions, i think it's about time referees have to do the same with decisions like that at the weekend, disgrace.
And the biggest joke of all, Clattenburg's "reward" is to ref Ajax's CL game this week.....

You either have poor, spineless officials in years gone by like Riley (now head of refs) or incompetant ones like Bennett or Styles, corrupt ones like Clattenburg or those that think they are gods gift to football (yet never played the game) like Webb and my all time "favourite" Uriah Rennie......

The problem is they make bad decisions because they don't understand football..... as 99% never played the game....

It is no surprise that the level of umpiring in cricket has improved in the last 10 years because of two things....

(a) video technology
(b) the number of former players now top level umpires

Video technology will come in eventually, certainly for goal line decisions, it has to... the second aspect, the former players becoming referees is much harder to get through....

Firstly, it takes so long to work your way through the leagues, even under the fast track scheme, the average player probably does not understand all the laws of the game, and most players retire through (a) injury (b) age..... the game is so fast you have to be fit to referee it.....

The answer to this problem, I don't honestly know..... no one is saying it is easy, but if you are a PL ref you know you are going to be criticised for mistakes... with so many cameras and camera angles nowadays the mistakes are magnified....

The officials behind the goals in the CL seem to work and probably would have prevented the "FARCE" of a goal at OT on Saturday....

I wait with baited breath to see what the normally spineless FA come up with tomorrow...

Talk about timing.... we have our biggest home game in years tomorrow night and the FA are going to announce what charges if any they will bring against Redknapp.... thanks, why not try and fuck up our preparations....

Apologies for my ramblings, once I start, I sometimes find it hard to stop writing!!!!
The FA have to punish him now, otherwise any manager who's in trouble will just threaten a media boycott.
BoredSpursFan said:
Hope he goes through with it, as he said, what is he supposed to say when asked the question? The whole thing was farcical and Clattenburg had a nightmare throughout the whole incident; managers should be able to comment on decisions like that as long as they are respectful, which he was. Just as ludicrous as the actual incident was Ferdinand's participation in the discussions between the linesman and Clattenburg, after our players were waved away, seemingly he has special dispensation to join in as he is the England captain.

Fucking this!

He waves away the Spuds' players and then gets in a fucking huddle with the Drugs Cheat and the linesman. I found this more unpalletable than the goal to be honest.

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