Wembley Way Trouble

Longsight-memories said:

If your a a real PLASTIC just wear one of them...and put some SUN creame on..Sorted..

is that an infamous man in black giving out the v sign? lol
Dr Mick said:
Rumour has it that the pwoppa norty moody rags have formed the EMIB, the Elite Men In Black, a hard core break away dissedent arm of the MIBs (think SAS of the hooligan world). Apparantly there are going to be out in big numbers at the bottom of Wembley Way and are looking to have it large with City.

Has anyone else heard this.

If it all kicks off with the EMIBs does anyone have any tips on what I should do?

I really am starting to get quite worried now. Even thinking of just waiting in the car rather than going to the game.

Just let them know you're one of them although if your post is anything to go by it's fairly obvious.
Ed68 said:
Dr Mick said:
Rumour has it that the pwoppa norty moody rags have formed the EMIB, the Elite Men In Black, a hard core break away dissedent arm of the MIBs (think SAS of the hooligan world). Apparantly there are going to be out in big numbers at the bottom of Wembley Way and are looking to have it large with City.

Has anyone else heard this.

If it all kicks off with the EMIBs does anyone have any tips on what I should do?

I really am starting to get quite worried now. Even thinking of just waiting in the car rather than going to the game.

Just let them know you're one of them although if your post is anything to go by it's fairly obvious.

Just chatter in a cockney accent and be one of them ........... dum dum
straighttalker said:
Bugs Bunny said:
I see the rag wannabee hoolies are complete scum (which they are), yet our 'lads' are heroes fighting the honourable fight ;-)

Always been the case mate, the hooligan opponents deserved it and our brave lads showed them. Every club comes out with this rubbish to often justify idiots fighting. I have been in the away section of the Kippax on many occasions when City were chucking missiles over the segregation and vice versa. One year some idiot lobbed a lit firework over which fortunately didn't cause serious harm. I've approached the away turnstiles to enter Maine Rd and been called Munich scum and been spat at in the past. I'm sure there's equally bad stories from blues visiting Old Trafford. You can usually tell who the internet warriors arre on threads like these be they red or blue as the real trouble causers tend not to promote what they're going to do in advance.
lets get one thing STRAIGHT ime travelling in a group and we see your primark shithouses slappin fellow blues and you think we should turn the other cheek?? yeah rite.
you rednoses make me laugh.
oh i forgot you do wot you want...well we'll see.
After the last derby at the swamp I walked out at the final whistle on my own all the way down to Trafford Town Hall. I was surrounded until I got to my car when I realised that I had managed to get back safely wothout anyone calling, pushing, shouting or punching me. Hope I can do the same at the semi!!! FFS if you look for it you will get it and in the majority of cases if you aren't looking for it then you should be ok. Remember, usually the scrotes only slap anyone if they heavily outnumber you.

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