Wembley Way Trouble

I think everyone needs to take note that they should have their wits about them all day. Anyone was fair game for running after, screaming in faces, pushing and the odd slap and punch at the CoMS CC semi. Kids, women and older people alike. They seem not to bother with bigger groups of lads though, or bigger lads in general. In fact they stay clear of these people. Even had one run past me to shout in the face of a lone teenage female just lagging behind her father, fucking pathetic joke excuse of a human being that lad was. They are a pathetic bunch of wankers on the whole and i can see a number of Rags being brought down a peg or two on this day because there will be big groups of lads together, not at all necessarily looking for trouble, but if they see the Rags typical scaring of the vulnerable groups like we've witnessed in recent times then they'll be getting a good hiding.

I'm not trying to scare people. Just telling the truth. The police can only do so much.

[i'm not saying it's going to be carnage all day, far from it, but it's been fairly antagonising from both sides in the last two years so don't for one minute think it's going to be a nice family day out for 100% of the people there.]
Rumour has it that the pwoppa norty moody rags have formed the EMIB, the Elite Men In Black, a hard core break away dissedent arm of the MIBs (think SAS of the hooligan world). Apparantly there are going to be out in big numbers at the bottom of Wembley Way and are looking to have it large with City.

Has anyone else heard this.

If it all kicks off with the EMIBs does anyone have any tips on what I should do?

I really am starting to get quite worried now. Even thinking of just waiting in the car rather than going to the game.
Yay! lets put up another post about being threatened or intimidated by the rags.

Just ignore the pathetic little twats and their equally pathetic stories.

Keep posting them and they'll keep dishing them out.
the rags are all talk.do fuck all.stand your ground there that many lads down at wembley.you,ll be ok
forevermancity said:
spoke to afew rags last night, they said that a load of rags normaly congregate at the end of wembleyway after the game and kick off smacking anything they think is a different fan. Will the police have this sussed? they seemed to think they do it after every game they have there.
wot a load of old bollocks the rags you spoke to are fukin wankers.
a load?? wot the fuck are they gonna do when COACH AFTER COACH OF CITY LADS turn up on mass? if they start they will get twatted all over the place.

Blue2112 said:
Fuck em, we'll still be inside the ground celebrating long after these muppets have fucked off home and any of them stupid enough to hang around will get whats coming to them.

haha well said mate! :D<br /><br />-- Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:47 pm --<br /><br />what are these faggots gonna do to us?
You will find the MIB's, I like to call them "arrogants" cos they are, have turned into something called RATS........... You will have seen hundreds of them at the semi at City last year, brave souls ran down Ashton Ne/Old Road kicking cars and buses, picking on women and kids........2 jumped around in front of my face calling me all the names under the sun, ran off when I said, "fuck me, you can't dance can you lad, lets show you"
Shame really because my 16 stone frame, 35 years of Judo and emense strength from swimming most my life would have left them in a mess............
I see the rag wannabee hoolies are complete scum (which they are), yet our 'lads' are heroes fighting the honourable fight ;-)
Bugs Bunny said:
I see the rag wannabee hoolies are complete scum (which they are), yet our 'lads' are heroes fighting the honourable fight ;-)

Always been the case mate, the hooligan opponents deserved it and our brave lads showed them. Every club comes out with this rubbish to often justify idiots fighting. I have been in the away section of the Kippax on many occasions when City were chucking missiles over the segregation and vice versa. One year some idiot lobbed a lit firework over which fortunately didn't cause serious harm. I've approached the away turnstiles to enter Maine Rd and been called Munich scum and been spat at in the past. I'm sure there's equally bad stories from blues visiting Old Trafford. You can usually tell who the internet warriors arre on threads like these be they red or blue as the real trouble causers tend not to promote what they're going to do in advance.

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