We're the whore of football - Brian Reade (Merged)


Well-Known Member
4 Dec 2008
I’ve read many frightening stories about footballers in the Sunday papers.

Mostly involving hookers who kid themselves they’re not hookers, telling us how someone who can’t manage to do it twice-a-week on the pitch did it nine-times-a-night on her mattress.

But no tale has scared me as much as the one I read in a sniffy broadsheet, last Sunday, which could have come from the business pages:

“Manchester City’s new £24m signing from Barcelona, Yaya Toure, is being paid £220,000-a-week. His initial wage of £185,000 will rise to £221,000 when the 50% tax rate comes in next April. He is due to receive £4.1m a year after tax, an image rights payment of £1.65m a year and a bonus of £823,000 each time City qualify for the Champions League and £412,000 if they win the competition. He will also get bonuses if the club win the Premier League and the FA Cup. The deal including his transfer fee, wages and bonuses, totals £79.6m.”

Holy. Mother. Of. Jesus. Where will that leave the price of everyone’s season ticket in five years time?

Even more frightening was what that report didn’t say. Toure is not actually that great. He’s not a creative genius who will get backsides off seats but a defensive midfielder who stops players who can.

He wasn’t even a regular at Barcelona, having lost his place to Sergi Busquets. He may not even get a game for City, who already have four highly-rated players to fill that role – Patrick Vieira, Gareth Barry, Nigel de Jong and Vincent Kompany.

And scariest of all, Toure says he only joined City because his agent “told me I had to leave Barcelona”. To add insult to injury the best he could say about his move was “it’s an honour to be playing with my brother Kolo,” before telling Barca that he’d love to go back there if they’ll have him.

If you’re a City fan, I’m guessing you’ll have no problems with the story. It’s proof the Sheikh is more determined than ever to land you the big prizes, and after all those years in United’s shade who could blame you licking your lips at the prospect.

But how do outsiders begin to describe how depressing the implications of this transfer are? I can understand luring the sought-after David Silva to Eastlands for £140,000-a-week, but giving a quarter-of-a-million quid every seven days to a defensive squad player who no other club would have touched for that kind of money and whose name won’t sell shirts, is insanity on a previously unimagined scale.

See how those figures play with Carlos Tevez and Emmanuel Adebayor’s agents, or the leeway it gives Fernando Torres’s and Didier Drogba’s advisors if they decide to listen to a City offer. What do you reckon, half-a-million-a-week minimum? See how it impacts on other clubs trying to keep pace with wage demands.

See the shaking of parents’ heads when City scouts ask to let their little fella join their academy. See the disillusion on the faces of the City youngsters who won the Youth Cup two years ago.

City aren’t alone. Most Premier League clubs will invest the bulk of their summer spending abroad. They’re just the most extreme example of why England’s national side continue to fare so badly at the big tournaments.

Our clubs sent 106 players to South Africa, and the number has already soared past 110 while the contest is still on. Serie A sent 75, La Liga 57.

Spot the link with England’s woeful performances which showed the lack of quality throughout the squad. We just don’t have the players. Mainly because they’ve had their way blocked by average, over-paid foreign mercenaries.

An objective outsider would look at the obscene amount paid to seduce Toure to England, look at the country’s lamentable showing in the World Cup, and conclude we deserve our misery because we’ve become the whores of world football.

Or hookers kidding themselves they’re not hookers, to be precise.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/brian-reade/Brian-Reade-Column-The-millions-squandered-on-Barcelona-reserve-Yaya-Toure-shows-Manchester-City-are-the-whores-of-world-football-plus-Barcelona-cash-crisis-article521641.html#ixzz0tEB9ALJw" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion ... z0tEB9ALJw</a>

Now thats what you call a complete wanker of a journalist, I think its about time city went to town on one of these papers!
Re: Just found this on the mirror website

by way of contrast I've just read this:

Excuses have been made since the dawn of time for all sorts of things. “I’m late because my sundial didn’t go off” or “The bus was late because the wheel hasn’t been invented yet” or even “A Stegosaurus ate my homework.” Of course, I’m being silly – dinosaurs and man never came into contact with each other outside of Jurassic Park and, if the documentary series I saw about those islands are to be believed, there wasn’t much homework-doing going on.

But excuses generally all have one thing in common – they’re utter cowpats. “I’m sorry I’m late, the bus didn’t turn up on time” is, 99% of the time, code for “I’m not actually sorry I’m interrupting your lecture, but I know I have to give a reason for doing it now that I have and I know that telling you I preferred to sleep in for another half an hour isn’t going to go down well, so here’s some rubbish I’m spouting out of my face to save both of us the embarrassment of me turning up late.”

And, of course, turning up late isn’t the only time you need excuses. Excuses are golden for when leaving early: for example, a party you didn’t want to go to (“I have to get home because I’m working in London tomorrow”), a date that isn’t going well (“My grandfather’s not well, so I have to get back”), or even an international football competition where you didn’t do as well as you and millions of others had expected (“Manchester City keep buying people from abroad, so the England team is rubbish”).

Like I said, cowpats.

It has to be City’s fault that Wayne Rooney had the control and agility of a combine harvester. Who else is there to blame that the defence looked as stable as a puddle of Nitro-glycerine near a fire? And it goes without saying that there’s only one place to look as to the reason why Gerrard and Lampard looked like two people who’d not even spoken to each other for ten years.

So, and this is a question aimed at a certain Brian Woolnough from the Daily Star, why have England not been much cop for the last 44 years? I mean, City were taken over in 2008 and Chelsea in 2003 – so that covers the last seven years, but what about the remaining 37? And why are City being blamed for the high finances of football and lack of English youth development when they are just the latest of many clubs to have spent big and, in the years just before the takeover, they were over reliant on academy products to be able to put out a team most weeks?

That transfer fees and wages are as high as they are isn’t the fault of football’s latest rich kids. Before City broke the English transfer record for Robinho, many others had broken it first, on such illustrious flops as Juan Sebastián Verón or Andriy Shevchenko. Money clearly not well spent at a time when the fees spent on those individual players were more than City’s entire transfer budget for the season.

I don’t think there’s a football fan in the world that wouldn’t prefer a team to win their league by producing a squad of academy talents all at the same time, over spending money on foreign imports. There’s always that romantic view of the team of kids showing the big boys in the league how it’s done, most of them from the area around where the club is based.

Unfortunately, as much as that would be the desired method of competing with the best, it just isn’t ever likely to happen. With the amount of prize money that has been earned by those at the top, it made them self-financing in that they were the only teams that could afford to price everybody else out of the market. They bring in better players, win more things, get more money and bring in better players.

The days when several academy graduates topple the establishment are going, if not already gone. So, when City are taken over and decide that they’d like to compete with the best, it’s unfair to blame them for inflating transfer prices. The choice was to either spend little money and remain everybody’s second favourite club or to try and compete. Competing, of course, involved bringing in better players; players whose value had previously soared.

England don’t win the World Cup and City spend big. To say the first happened because the second happened is an inaccurate and ill considered conclusion that’s far too easy and lazy to arrive at. For a start, at the time of writing, City’s squad contains no less than nine Englishmen (four from the club’s own academy) who have been regulars for the club in the past, with an additional three that are currently breaking into the first team. And that doesn’t include the six non-English academy products that have represented the first team and are currently available for selection.

Clearly, youth development is at an end because the chequebook has come out for Silva, Touré, Boateng, et al.

While it may be true that City can field a first team that contains no English players, it is also true that they can field one that contains no foreigners (though the formation would be a bit off, granted). It seems pretty churlish to point the finger at City for strengthening the squad from abroad, when there’s a potential season of 64 matches (not including any FA Cup replays) coming up and when English players are as over-priced as they are.

If recent reports are to be believed, Aston Villa’s valuation of James Milner is £30m. And, of course, should City decide to pay that amount, they would still be the bad guys, because, despite the promotion of English talent, it would be an obscene transfer fee. Should City decide it’s too much and look overseas for a cheaper, equivalent player, then the club are ruining the chances of future England teams.

The only option for City to be the good guys is to promote academy products before they are ready… The very same system of providing first team players that nearly saw the club relegated in 2007. The club is now in the position where they don’t need to rush young talent into the squad, where only the best of the best will make it through, and where those youngsters can learn from some of the best players the game will see.

Yet that is the wrong way to run a football club. Work that one out.

The problem isn’t that the influx of foreigners is stopping English youth developing. Forcing teams to play x number of English players in their team won’t increase the quality of the national team, but rather decrease the quality of the Premier League. If the youth isn’t good enough to break into the first time for any reason other than being forced in there by the rules, then those players are never going to be good enough to help England to a World Cup win.

But if the English youth is good enough, then those players will play.

If you want to look for excuses as to why England didn’t win the World Cup, you could look at poor management, incorrect tactics, the fact that we’re not as good as other teams that have gone further than us… But the takeover of Manchester City and their transfers in isn’t a valid excuse.

Written By David Mooney
Re: Just found this on the mirror website

I went high school with David and must say that is a top read
Re: Just found this on the mirror website

British 11. (10 English)


When all fit and in reasonable form, that team could give most prem sides a damn good game. Dunno why we get mullered like we do.
Re: Just found this on the mirror website

shipleyblue said:
by way of contrast I've just read this:

Excuses have been made since the dawn of time for all sorts of things. “I’m late because my sundial didn’t go off” or “The bus was late because the wheel hasn’t been invented yet” or even “A Stegosaurus ate my homework.” Of course, I’m being silly – dinosaurs and man never came into contact with each other outside of Jurassic Park and, if the documentary series I saw about those islands are to be believed, there wasn’t much homework-doing going on.

But excuses generally all have one thing in common – they’re utter cowpats. “I’m sorry I’m late, the bus didn’t turn up on time” is, 99% of the time, code for “I’m not actually sorry I’m interrupting your lecture, but I know I have to give a reason for doing it now that I have and I know that telling you I preferred to sleep in for another half an hour isn’t going to go down well, so here’s some rubbish I’m spouting out of my face to save both of us the embarrassment of me turning up late.”

And, of course, turning up late isn’t the only time you need excuses. Excuses are golden for when leaving early: for example, a party you didn’t want to go to (“I have to get home because I’m working in London tomorrow”), a date that isn’t going well (“My grandfather’s not well, so I have to get back”), or even an international football competition where you didn’t do as well as you and millions of others had expected (“Manchester City keep buying people from abroad, so the England team is rubbish”).

Like I said, cowpats.

It has to be City’s fault that Wayne Rooney had the control and agility of a combine harvester. Who else is there to blame that the defence looked as stable as a puddle of Nitro-glycerine near a fire? And it goes without saying that there’s only one place to look as to the reason why Gerrard and Lampard looked like two people who’d not even spoken to each other for ten years.

So, and this is a question aimed at a certain Brian Woolnough from the Daily Star, why have England not been much cop for the last 44 years? I mean, City were taken over in 2008 and Chelsea in 2003 – so that covers the last seven years, but what about the remaining 37? And why are City being blamed for the high finances of football and lack of English youth development when they are just the latest of many clubs to have spent big and, in the years just before the takeover, they were over reliant on academy products to be able to put out a team most weeks?

That transfer fees and wages are as high as they are isn’t the fault of football’s latest rich kids. Before City broke the English transfer record for Robinho, many others had broken it first, on such illustrious flops as Juan Sebastián Verón or Andriy Shevchenko. Money clearly not well spent at a time when the fees spent on those individual players were more than City’s entire transfer budget for the season.

I don’t think there’s a football fan in the world that wouldn’t prefer a team to win their league by producing a squad of academy talents all at the same time, over spending money on foreign imports. There’s always that romantic view of the team of kids showing the big boys in the league how it’s done, most of them from the area around where the club is based.

Unfortunately, as much as that would be the desired method of competing with the best, it just isn’t ever likely to happen. With the amount of prize money that has been earned by those at the top, it made them self-financing in that they were the only teams that could afford to price everybody else out of the market. They bring in better players, win more things, get more money and bring in better players.

The days when several academy graduates topple the establishment are going, if not already gone. So, when City are taken over and decide that they’d like to compete with the best, it’s unfair to blame them for inflating transfer prices. The choice was to either spend little money and remain everybody’s second favourite club or to try and compete. Competing, of course, involved bringing in better players; players whose value had previously soared.

England don’t win the World Cup and City spend big. To say the first happened because the second happened is an inaccurate and ill considered conclusion that’s far too easy and lazy to arrive at. For a start, at the time of writing, City’s squad contains no less than nine Englishmen (four from the club’s own academy) who have been regulars for the club in the past, with an additional three that are currently breaking into the first team. And that doesn’t include the six non-English academy products that have represented the first team and are currently available for selection.

Clearly, youth development is at an end because the chequebook has come out for Silva, Touré, Boateng, et al.

While it may be true that City can field a first team that contains no English players, it is also true that they can field one that contains no foreigners (though the formation would be a bit off, granted). It seems pretty churlish to point the finger at City for strengthening the squad from abroad, when there’s a potential season of 64 matches (not including any FA Cup replays) coming up and when English players are as over-priced as they are.

If recent reports are to be believed, Aston Villa’s valuation of James Milner is £30m. And, of course, should City decide to pay that amount, they would still be the bad guys, because, despite the promotion of English talent, it would be an obscene transfer fee. Should City decide it’s too much and look overseas for a cheaper, equivalent player, then the club are ruining the chances of future England teams.

The only option for City to be the good guys is to promote academy products before they are ready… The very same system of providing first team players that nearly saw the club relegated in 2007. The club is now in the position where they don’t need to rush young talent into the squad, where only the best of the best will make it through, and where those youngsters can learn from some of the best players the game will see.

Yet that is the wrong way to run a football club. Work that one out.

The problem isn’t that the influx of foreigners is stopping English youth developing. Forcing teams to play x number of English players in their team won’t increase the quality of the national team, but rather decrease the quality of the Premier League. If the youth isn’t good enough to break into the first time for any reason other than being forced in there by the rules, then those players are never going to be good enough to help England to a World Cup win.

But if the English youth is good enough, then those players will play.

If you want to look for excuses as to why England didn’t win the World Cup, you could look at poor management, incorrect tactics, the fact that we’re not as good as other teams that have gone further than us… But the takeover of Manchester City and their transfers in isn’t a valid excuse.

Written By David Mooney

dave mooney is bluemooney off here mate...he does the regular weekly bluemoon podcast when the seasons running
"The Whore of World Football".

Something ought to be fucking done about Brian Reade, through fair means or foul. Have a read if your blood pressure can stand it.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/brian-reade/Brian-Reade-Column-The-millions-squandered-on-Barcelona-reserve-Yaya-Toure-shows-Manchester-City-are-the-whores-of-world-football-plus-Barcelona-cash-crisis-article521641.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion ... 21641.html</a>

He is a twat and a fornicator. He can die.
Re: "The Whore of World Football".

I wouldn't give the clown the time of day ......

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