Was on the fringes of Forward with Franny got give the odd task to do e.g. calling the guy Swales was trying to bring in as the new chairman, Mike? with instructions to wind him up, "ask him where hes getting his money from, because he hasn't got anywhere near enough funds" Was give Swales' home number and ask to call him as a concerned fan, he spoke to me, where did you get my number from? A journo friend but dont worry Ive destroyed it and wont call you again. We ended up meeting at his shop in Bramhall taking a walk down the road, asked him to guit for the good of the club accept a live president role with free seats Told him straight that his time was up and he should step down for the good of the club He ended up giving me his office number and told me to call him having canvased other fans as to where the away fans should be in the ne Kippax or North Stand so just called him a few days later and said not in Kippax under any circumstances. Did get to hear a lot of interesting stuff