West Ham Pre-Match Thread... Here we go!

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Going to Uni in the Liverpool area I don't think it'd be the best idea hanging out a flag/scarf. Might return from watching the game to a house which looks like one of those ones surrounding Anfield.
Tueartsoverhead kick said:
blueincy said:
Tueartsoverhead kick said:
Do you live on Joyce St saw a City flag hanging out of the window there ?

That'll be me...
Come on City!!!!

I live just off St Marys Rd leaving here about 1ish to the match

Going with some of the old dean brook boys. ENJOY.
The Missus works on st Marys Rd Alexian Brothers..

Have you got your Flag out?
Been suffering from Chronic back pain for last week. Had to miss the Villa game but not missing this for the world. I have to say being smacked off your head on painkillers does wonders for your nerves!
Worksop Blue said:
Been suffering from Chronic back pain for last week. Had to miss the Villa game but not missing this for the world. I have to say being smacked off your head on painkillers does wonders for your nerves!

Make sure you have only a couple of pints today then..
jimharri said:
woolleyback blue said:
FFS will you lot man up and top acting like the worlds biggest gathering of big girls blouses.

Carroll is more likely to get sent off than score the way he blunders around. Downing couldn't cross the bloody road. We're playing a team against whom this season, we set a record for most one sided League cup semi combined score.

All this crap the players and Fat Sam are spouting is just whistling in the dark.

Our boys have been here before and know the way to do it. OK they gave us all heart attacks last time but it won't happen this time.

Enjoy tomorrow. There are going to be plenty more days like that coming along.

No its not overconfidence. I felt exactly the same when we had to play Stoke in the FA cup final.
And Wigan (twice)?

Oddly enough NO...I was nervous as hell for those.
Anyone watching in London?

Anyone watching in London. I'm looking for a pub and some solidarity!!
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