West Ham Pre Match Thread

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Marvin said:
super_city_si said:
For the love of God...no Navas. Pls.
? Surely one of our better players
That may explain why we've been terrible for the majority of the season. A player who's flattered to deceive throughout the year being one of our better players is no ringing endorsement.
We'll win this one 4-1.
I think Navas is ok. But his main attribute surely is as an impact sub against tiring defences. I dont really understand why he gets a starting role so often.
mosssideblue said:
cibaman said:
I think Navas is ok. But his main attribute surely is as an impact sub against tiring defences. I dont really understand why he gets a starting role so often.

Perhaps he's selected because he gives a fook
I'd prefer it if he was selected because he can pick a man out when crossing, finish one on ones (well finish in any situation) or could deliver a corner that doesn't look like its purposely trying to clear the 18 yard box. Giving a fuck should be the minimum requirement.
He's a grafter no doubt, he's not been a flop but he's not been the success I'd hoped when he signed.
Maybe it's better not to look for scapegoats. At the moment we can all name at least half the squad. Nor should we try to blame the system either it being 442 or 451. If players don't perform there is no system to hide it.

We need to start to get results. No matter how we get them, results is the only way to gain confidence to try and get back to how well we can play. Because we can play well. And we must stop letting our heads hang whenever there is a setback because especially now things are not going for us.

Win the next 2 games at home as a start for a run of results. No matter how ugly or lucky you get them.
mosssideblue said:
cibaman said:
I think Navas is ok. But his main attribute surely is as an impact sub against tiring defences. I dont really understand why he gets a starting role so often.

Perhaps he's selected because he gives a fook

Agreed,it would appear he is one of our players with a more positive attitude.

Also,we aren't exactly overloaded with attacking midfielders,especially wide ones.....something that has been an issue for several years and something that annoys me.
I'd certainly play Navas in front of Milner at the moment.

He might just be the passive recipient of offers from elsewhere, but we need players now whose future is tied in with the club. There's a good argument for using Navas as an impact sub against tiring defenders. Maybe use him and Toure together as subs. Toure could switch the play out to him. Often a sub comes on in a game, but your control of the game has gone and they can't get in it. That's especially true of wide players who are no good if the midfield can't get on the ball. So maybe use Toure and Navas on the hour mark.
Navas was 1 v 1 at the swamp with option to pass for a tap in and managed to fcuk that up yet again, his lack of ability to beat the first defender considering his pace and ability is shocking.
Yaya should not start in this game, it's so obvious he doesn't give a shit. Send him to play with the reserves.
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