Westminster voting intentions weekly round up

I think Farage, Bannon, Trump could all be described as fascists.

Exact definitions are difficult because fascism is a term that gets used in an historical sense.

But these people all seek to subvert democracy, play on nationalism and race. They would very much like to be or to facilitate a dictatorship.

The Brexit Party is a Company run by Farage as he didn't want the nuisance of the democracy that has frustrated him with UKIP. He treats democracy with contempt, playing his racist nationalist cards (lies). Trump clearly has no respect for democracy or the truth and is attempting to run a dictatorship. And their good friend Bannon travels the world aiding would be dictators to get their shit together.

There is a complacency amongst much of the population of the western world that the forces of the far right that once shook the world can never rise again. Unfortunately they can and they are. They are motivated, well funded and smart and helped from a surprising angle. Putin, of course, could easily also be described as a fascist. He ticks all the boxes.
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I think Farage, Bannon, Trump could all be described as fascists.

Exact definitions are difficult because fascism is a term that gets used in an historical sense.

But these people all seek to subvert democracy, play on nationalism and race. They would very much like to be or to facilitate a dictatorship.

The Brexit Party is a Company run by Farage as he didn't want the nuisance of the democracy that has frustrated him with UKIP. He treats democracy with contempt, playing his racist nationalist cards (lies). Trump clearly has no respect for democracy or the truth and is attempting to run a dictatorship. And their good friend Bannon travels the world aiding g would be dictators to get their shit together.

There is a complacency amongst much of the population of the western world that the forces of the far right that once shook the world can never rise again. Unfortunately they can and they are. They are motivated, well funded and smart and helped from a surprising angle. Putin, of course, could easily also be described as a fascist. He ticks all the boxes.

I would say Trump/Bannon are more your typical American White Nationalists than fascists in the European sense. Salvini is a fascist and Farage getting into bed with him and Le Pen is a natural evolution - anti immigrant, anti Muslim, anti-Semitic and playing on the angry white male vote, usually well off and usually over 50.

I love how it’s always liberals fault for making Farage’s message ‘more attractive’. No the message is attractive because it appeals to you. People vote for fascists and racists because they like what these people say. Pretty simple really.
I would say Trump/Bannon are more your typical American White Nationalists than fascists in the European sense. Salvini is a fascist and Farage getting into bed with him and Le Pen is a natural evolution - anti immigrant, anti Muslim, anti-Semitic and playing on the angry white male vote, usually well off and usually over 50.

I love how it’s always liberals fault for making Farage’s message ‘more attractive’. No the message is attractive because it appeals to you. People vote for fascists and racists because they like what these people say. Pretty simple really.

Trump is an extreme narcissist which is a perfect base for a fascist dictator.

Translates in a GE

LP 268 seats
CP 122 seats
BP 112 seats
LD 72 seats
SNP 53 seats
GP 1 seat

Latest polls

Second one would translate at a GE

BP 303 seat
LP 205 seats
CP 26 seats
LD 33 seats
GR 1 seat
GUK & UKIP no seats
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