what a great atmosphere tonight

I usually end up with a croaky voice after a derby but tonight I found it hard to be motivated, I think the lack of chances created, no desire or crunching tackles.. which usually lift the crowd, created a feeling of deja vous... I was expecting a late disaster and was busy biting my nails.
I have a croaky voice but then I usually do after any game. I don't know why some people go to games cos they certainly aren't supporting their team.

Shit atmosphere for a derby but then the team did nowt to get everyone excited.

Or maybe it truly is becoming 'just another game'......
It's a shit atmosphere because we have hardly any songs, and the songs we do have are over in 15 seconds.
me myself and i said:
glad i stayed at home

I'm jealous................I only WISH that I'd stayed at home.

I'm not quite sure that Roberto understands that the concept of 'shutting up the crowd', doesn't include silencing your own fans!
MouldensChippy said:
me myself and i said:
glad i stayed at home
I'm not quite sure that Roberto understands that the concept of 'shutting up the crowd', doesn't include silencing your own fans!
Yea, definitely an interesting point. While watching at TV in a Bar here in the states, I kept on bragging about the City Fans, they'd get extremely loud at points, but it was pretty quiet a lot. I wish I could have been there in full voice with you! I've learned some cheers and songs by listening on the radio and watching youtube and matches. CTID
For me it's all about the moaners:

Over the years we have had different owners, managers and players and the one constant(apart from Betty the tea lady) is the fans (apart from the new found gloryhunters) for me nobody gets on players backs quite like us and no fans show nerves and frustration more than we do. Not trying to be Eileen Drury but the players can pick up on all the negative energy and also the opposition players feed of it. We need a bit of patience and belief.
For the 5 minutes before the first whistle and 5 after it was a cracking atmosphere but then the game just seemed to stuck the energy out of the crowd. To get outsung by the rags is terrible, no matter how shit the team has been in the past we were always the beat fans now a lot of people sit there, do nothing and wait to be entertained.

Yeah the team did nothing to get the fans going, but the fans did nothing to get the team going.

Bore draw. Chalk it off and let's paste the brummies on Saturday
absolutely the worst derby atmosphere

everyone stood watching the game

people seem to still have an inferiority complex about them, worried that they are gonna come and turn us over instead of getting on with getting behind them

then after half an hour of silence the only song people got going was one of theirs

do people not want this enough anymore ?
it wasnt the best derby atmosphere. definitely tense. in fairness there wasnt one clear cut chance in the whole game so its always going to be a bit of a cagey atmosphere. what i will say is that where i sit (116) it never got quiet as im sure our friends in 111 probably found aswell.
haha im going to get absolutly killed on here for saying this, but mancini's tactics caused the crap atmosphere. we just sat back and let united attack us, how is that going to get us excited? 1st 20mins we tried our best, but wave after wave of uniteds attacks drained us! imo, the worst atmosphere of the season and definatly the worst derby i can remember

bring on the abuse.....

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