What are City playing at?

jfmaille said:
But I am wondering if the Club's current PR strategy is valid, or indeed if they have one at all. Whether we like it or not, City do not have an experienced PR chief, i.e someone who has been a journo him/herself and has the right connections .... and more importantly, someone who truly knows what being a journalist really is (You have to wonder why Chris Bailey "Head of Content" is really there for). I agree with "Keith Moon", the way they handled Sparky's dismissal proves that they truly do not know anything about PR. If we listen back to the different press conference/interviews soundbites from Cook/Mancini/Khaldoon et al., it is clear there was no consistency .... i.e noboby had briefed them, nobody went and said "this is the official Club line and you stick to it", nobody went and secured a proper press exclusive whereby a Club official would have gone to speak to a journalist and explained the a/b/c reasons behind the sacking and the closed the shop. Other journos would only have had to quote what would have been said in the original interview ... and that would have been the end of it. Journalists trust each other .... but they don't trust an OFFICIAL website ....

Also, is City's lack of aggression towards certain journalists linked with the (well-known) fact that someone from the PR team at City is involved with a member of the Press?

This is partly correct in that company policy should dictate a consistent message and all key employees should be well briefed and kept 'on message'. However the challenge that faces the PR Department at City is in dealing with opinion not fact.

So little journalism is fact based that the provision of fact by the club is to a large part irrelevant to the story and I'm afraid it's a little naive to suggest that any hack would play by the rule of quoting only an exclusive source set up by the club.

'A club official', 'a source close to the player' or the ubiquitous 'insider' would always be trotted out to counter the party line. This policy can be carried out with impunity as often as the journo's like as there is no possibility of recourse or sanction from the club.

I can't comment on the suggestion of improprietry in the PR Department but I would be staggered if any personal relationship was allowed to get in the way of a professional doing his or her job. It's a situation I've encountered on numerous occasions and it almost always ends in one or other employer making unreasonable demands on their employee to such an extent that one or either of the employees either steps aside or is moved.
happy said:
I can't comment on the suggestion of improprietry in the PR Department but I would be staggered if any personal relationship was allowed to get in the way of a professional doing his or her job. It's a situation I've encountered on numerous occasions and it almost always ends in one or other employer making unreasonable demands on their employee to such an extent that one or either of the employees either steps aside or is moved.

well, that was posted a while ago on this forum.... <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=158183&p=2819552&hilit=ROSIE+BASS#p2819552" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=158183&p=2819552&hilit=ROSIE+BASS#p2819552</a>
jfmaille said:
happy said:
I can't comment on the suggestion of improprietry in the PR Department but I would be staggered if any personal relationship was allowed to get in the way of a professional doing his or her job. It's a situation I've encountered on numerous occasions and it almost always ends in one or other employer making unreasonable demands on their employee to such an extent that one or either of the employees either steps aside or is moved.

well, that was posted a while ago on this forum.... <a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=158183&p=2819552&hilit=ROSIE+BASS#p2819552" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=158183&p=2819552&hilit=ROSIE+BASS#p2819552</a>

As I say fmaille, I don't know the veracity of the story but I am confident that it will have very limited effect on the day to day running of the PR Dept of a multi million pound organisation such as City.
Kinky by name said:
IMO and experience City as a club are not proactive enough, football matters wise, though they have improved an awful lot with other bits of PR and fluff.

What do you think City should do to promote a more positive agenda in the media? Is it the quality of the people employed at City? In my own limited experience with the media it seems to be as much about having the right relationships with key people in the industry then anything else.
BobKowalski said:
Kinky by name said:
IMO and experience City as a club are not proactive enough, football matters wise, though they have improved an awful lot with other bits of PR and fluff.

What do you think City should do to promote a more positive agenda in the media? Is it the quality of the people employed at City? In my own limited experience with the media it seems to be as much about having the right relationships with key people in the industry then anything else.

Start winning football matches.
Sorry this probably the wrong thread or it has been mentioned already, but I have just read that article by Michael Calvin in the Mirror about why we HAVE to fail, and in it he says, and I quote: "It’s good knockabout stuff, which will get serious when the world starts to mock Sheikh Mansour and his delusions of grandeur."


You know who else has got a bit above herself, that Elizabeth Windsor woman, I dunno who she thinks she is.
hgblue said:
BobKowalski said:
What do you think City should do to promote a more positive agenda in the media? Is it the quality of the people employed at City? In my own limited experience with the media it seems to be as much about having the right relationships with key people in the industry then anything else.

Start winning football matches.

Well aside from the bleeding obvious :)

However bearing in mind we have only played one match so far I am still interested in KBN's opinion as to what steps City can take to promote a more positive agenda and ease the negative narrative coming from some (not all) sections of the media. For example the transfer strategy this summer with its emphasis on younger more versatile players and players with a stronger mental attitude rather than the 'City buy everything that moves and have to ship out 25 players in 10 days omg its bedlam/crazy/ kamikaze' etc etc.
BobKowalski said:
hgblue said:
Start winning football matches.

Well aside from the bleeding obvious :)

However bearing in mind we have only played one match so far I am still interested in KBN's opinion as to what steps City can take to promote a more positive agenda and ease the negative narrative coming from some (not all) sections of the media. For example the transfer strategy this summer with its emphasis on younger more versatile players and players with a stronger mental attitude rather than the 'City buy everything that moves and have to ship out 25 players in 10 days omg its bedlam/crazy/ kamikaze' etc etc.

will get back to you asap mate - just on the vinegar strokes and then off home.
I've been a city fan for 30 years and to be honest never been arsed at us not winning anything (you dont miss what you've never had). Now though I really want us to win and rub their noses in it.

When you read some of the shite these twats write it puts me in mind of that episode of CRACKER the one with Robert Carlisle in. Maybe we need an Albie Kinsella!

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