What are/is your favourite beer(s)?

Boulevard Wheat out of Kansas City is my default; if I can't decide what to buy, I'll buy that.

Apart from that, in no particular order:
Woodchuck Amber (Vermont's answer to Strongbow, basically)
Guinness Extra Stout
Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA
Spaten Optimator
Samuel Adams Coastal Wheat

Local beers (not including Boulevard, as KC is four hours from here):
Lucky Bucket craft lager (Papillion, Nebraska)
Empyrean Lunasea ESB (Lincoln, NE)

I should probably also mention that I work in a wine + spirits shop, so I like to think I know a bit about this stuff.
Soulboy said:
Leffe Dark, sipped while lounging in a Belgian square...

Fruit beers... see above.

Newky Brown... replace Belgian square with riverside vista...

Ice cold Guinness... anywhere.

leffe is a cracking beer mate just got in to this in the last few months you get pretty pissed off it to got to be nice and cold
leipzigblue said:
scowy68 said:
German beer is my fav.

These few have gone down well on recent visit.


Couldn't agree more. Most German beers are great (don't touch Sternburg, though). Czech beer is also top.

I'm with you lads. I'm off to a stag in dusseldorf and i'm really looking forward to the local beers. I could cry I love Paulaner Pils that much!
I've had some cracking Belgian stuff in my time too although you need to treat them as a wine, they're not session beers, fantastic with certain foods.
I also love smithwicks, an Irish Ale that I had neglected for years but now thwe love affair has started all over again!
Orkney Dark Island - my absolute all-time favourite but very closely followed by:
Jennings Snecklifter
Theakstons Old Peculiar
Black Sheep Riggwelter
Dent Owd Tup
Robbys Old Tom
and John Willies Moonraker at the falling over quickly end of the market
but delighted to find:
Sir Joseph Holts Mild & Bitter, Brains Dark Mild, Shropshire Lad, Bluebird, Aviator, Feeling Foul Double Dragon, ESB (and Fullers Winter Warmer), Yewbarrow, Schiehallion, Brodies Prime, Doris's 90th, Summer Lightning, Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby, anything by Kelham Island/ Marble Stout, anything by Oakham, anything else by Orkney, most stuff from Phoenix especially Wobby Bob, Darkn Side of the Moose, anything by RCH, anything from St Austell, Shropshire Gold, Sam Smiths OBB cos its dirt cheap and can be well decent, Timmy Taylors Dark Mild, anything from Titanic, Traquair Jacobite although they don't like selling it to Sassenachs.., 6X if its well looked after, Weetwood Old Dog, All seasons, Wickwar Station Porter, owt from Woodfordes

Failing that then I'll have to settle for summat else I suppose but not that tasteless fizzy stuff they call lager. Yes there are some good lagers out there especially on the continent where it's easier to find a decent pillsner but most of the mass market stuff here is just piss and so I'll go for Guinness in a crisis situation where there are no real ales and no decent bottled belgian beers to be had.
In these days of the austerity I have been mostly drinking from the can, I do find Stella Artois to be very palatable at this time of year, or any other for that matter. It does depend on what one is eating, 7 or 8 cans with a kebab any more I do find I am normally eating my own vomit.

Agree with the posts on here about German beers they are quality.
Balti said:
Orkney Dark Island - my absolute all-time favourite but very closely followed by:
Jennings Snecklifter
Theakstons Old Peculiar
Black Sheep Riggwelter
Dent Owd Tup
Robbys Old Tom
and John Willies Moonraker at the falling over quickly end of the market
but delighted to find:
Sir Joseph Holts Mild & Bitter, Brains Dark Mild, Shropshire Lad, Bluebird, Aviator, Feeling Foul Double Dragon, ESB (and Fullers Winter Warmer), Yewbarrow, Schiehallion, Brodies Prime, Doris's 90th, Summer Lightning, Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby, anything by Kelham Island/ Marble Stout, anything by Oakham, anything else by Orkney, most stuff from Phoenix especially Wobby Bob, Darkn Side of the Moose, anything by RCH, anything from St Austell, Shropshire Gold, Sam Smiths OBB cos its dirt cheap and can be well decent, Timmy Taylors Dark Mild, anything from Titanic, Traquair Jacobite although they don't like selling it to Sassenachs.., 6X if its well looked after, Weetwood Old Dog, All seasons, Wickwar Station Porter, owt from Woodfordes

Failing that then I'll have to settle for summat else I suppose but not that tasteless fizzy stuff they call lager. Yes there are some good lagers out there especially on the continent where it's easier to find a decent pillsner but most of the mass market stuff here is just piss and so I'll go for Guinness in a crisis situation where there are no real ales and no decent bottled belgian beers to be had.
you need serious help from AA (not the motoring organisation) Balti,have you ever done ^^^^ in one night.If you have pm me,we could have a good night out ;)

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