What are you scared of? Your phobia?

bluejase said:
Ice Bergs. Shudder.


ElanJo said:
pee dubya said:
About the whole dying thing as well, the way i see it is, because time will never stop, things will keep on happening, the Universe might collapse then reform or whatever, at some point, everything that can possibly happen, will happen again, because it has eternity for it to happen in, so at some point in the future, all the molecules that make up the life i have lived so far, will form in the exact same way again, and i will live this exact same life again, whether it'll be me living it is the question that scews with my head, but when you die, it'll happen straight away, because all the time that you're dead, you won't be concious, like you're asleep, the time will pass in a flash, and you'll be living again, because everything that's all ready happened, simply has to happen again at some time, in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years from now or whatever.

It could also mean that your favourite movie could become reality. Eventually sometime in the future Yoda could be real PMSL

Not neccesarily, Yoda exisiting and my favourite movie could be entirely physically impossible, whereas everything that's happened to far, is obviously possible.

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