What beer have you got for Christmas ?

Kun Aguero said:

3 of these.

Fucking hell mate. Get some taste in beer please. You let down the whole board.
I've got some bottled Cheshire Brewhouse Galaxy Blues obtained from my local wine shop. I thought it was an appropriate match with the quality of our recent football...

Apart from that, a wide selection of other bottled real ales will be enjoyed over the break. A happy Christmas to you all !!
Two Canadian craft beers called Rhyme and Reason and Boneshaker Ale. Both of them are decent, quite hoppy. Rhyme and Reason is a bit closer to a Rye Porter ale in taste than an IPA but excellent none the less.
alblue said:
Fosters gold :(

At least it has some taste unlike the shite Budweiser others are drinking.

Asahi Black

Leffe Blonde

Budvar Dark

Innis & Gunn Rum Finish



and two bottles of Jack Daniels.....

Should do me til Boxing Day !
oakiecokie said:
BimboBob said:
Kun Aguero said:

3 of these.

Fucking hell mate. Get some taste in beer please. You let down the whole board.

Now they should throw some fucking oranges into that.

I can't understand the Budweiser hatred on here, it's one of the worlds most sold products for a good reason, it's cheap, tastes nice and gets you pissed.
Kun Aguero said:
oakiecokie said:
BimboBob said:
Fucking hell mate. Get some taste in beer please. You let down the whole board.

Now they should throw some fucking oranges into that.

I can't understand the Budweiser hatred on here, it's one of the worlds most sold products for a good reason, it's cheap, tastes like it's cheap and gets softarses pissed.

Fixed for posterity.
Kun Aguero said:
oakiecokie said:
BimboBob said:
Fucking hell mate. Get some taste in beer please. You let down the whole board.

Now they should throw some fucking oranges into that.

I can't understand the Budweiser hatred on here, it's one of the worlds most sold products for a good reason, it's cheap, tastes nice and gets you pissed.

It is utter fucking shite drunk mainly by daft shermans who don't know any better.
I am actually hard pushed to think of a worse beer, ever.
It is bland, beige soulless crap.
The Coldplay of beers.
Very popular, very safe and very shit.

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