What beer have you got for Christmas ?

That tesco biere d'or is top notch challenger, i always get it.
It is incidental that is it cheap as chips, tastes great and i am a proper lager snob.

I have 2 crates of Weihenstephan Vitus, the best wheat beer bar none and i have had the lot.
So smooth and easy to drink, even after 6 bottles.
Yes you will be as drunk as you could be without the need for medical assistance.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Kun Aguero said:
oakiecokie said:
Now they should throw some fucking oranges into that.

I can't understand the Budweiser hatred on here, it's one of the worlds most sold products for a good reason, it's cheap, tastes nice and gets you pissed.

It is utter fucking shite drunk mainly by daft shermans who don't know any better.
I am actually hard pushed to think of a worse beer, ever.
It is bland, beige soulless crap.
The Coldplay of beers.
Very popular, very safe and very shit.

Kestral super. ALL Tennats, ALL JW Lees beers as they're just rancid piss water.

There are hunderds of beers out there that are far worse than Budweiser.
TCIB said:
That tesco biere d'or is top notch challenger, i always get it.
It is incidental that is it cheap as chips, tastes great and i am a proper lager snob.

I have 2 crates of Weihenstephan Vitus, the best wheat beer bar none and i have had the lot.
So smooth and easy to drink, even after 6 bottles.
Yes you will be as drunk as you could be without the need for medical assistance.

You have a great palate Guy.Just love Wheat Beer.
oakiecokie said:
syedorf said:
And.if he likes it then its up to him.I got bought a box should I have said no take it back.each to their own its not my favourite drink but its alright.

Well seeing we`re taking the piss out of each other,if you took the piss literally out of this ale,then I suppose it would be fine.

-- Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:15 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
oakiecokie said:
What AC % are those mate and I`m assuming they`re good old Belgium Beer ??

It's French and its 4.8%, its a really nice beer though, tiny bottles but extremely cheap.

Still 100% better than Carling and Carlsberg and a nice volume mate.
4.8% the same as bud sorry couldn't resist just had a bottle and your right it is shit can't wait for a stella
Challenger1978 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Kun Aguero said:
I can't understand the Budweiser hatred on here, it's one of the worlds most sold products for a good reason, it's cheap, tastes nice and gets you pissed.

It is utter fucking shite drunk mainly by daft shermans who don't know any better.
I am actually hard pushed to think of a worse beer, ever.
It is bland, beige soulless crap.
The Coldplay of beers.
Very popular, very safe and very shit.

Kestral super. ALL Tennats, ALL JW Lees beers as they're just rancid piss water.

There are hunderds of beers out there that are far worse than Budweiser.

Each to their own I suppose mate.
But I could be on an intravenous drip of Budweiser for the rest of my life and not get pissed.
I guess it's ok if you're driving though.
Eh up Oakie.

Aye i remember my first wheat bee at the copper pot or whatever it was called on the corner opposite oxford road station, remember it ?
Was a hoegaarden and had a warning on the tap as people had been necking it thinking cause it was sweet it was weak.
Staff were in the bog with a mop more often than not hehe.

Vitus won the best wheat beer award, i will bring you a few bottles to take home next match i see you at or meet up :)
I had a wonderful wheat beer when i was i was last in Germany, got so drunk i forgot what it was called :(

What you supping now sir ?
syedorf said:
oakiecokie said:
syedorf said:
And.if he likes it then its up to him.I got bought a box should I have said no take it back.each to their own its not my favourite drink but its alright.

Well seeing we`re taking the piss out of each other,if you took the piss literally out of this ale,then I suppose it would be fine.

-- Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:15 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
It's French and its 4.8%, its a really nice beer though, tiny bottles but extremely cheap.

Still 100% better than Carling and Carlsberg and a nice volume mate.
4.8% the same as bud sorry couldn't resist just had a bottle and your right it is shit can't wait for a stella

Thats what I like,getting someone converted to a decent beer.As Del Boy would say "You know it makes sense".
TCIB said:
That tesco biere d'or is top notch challenger, i always get it.
It is incidental that is it cheap as chips, tastes great and i am a proper lager snob.

I have 2 crates of Weihenstephan Vitus, the best wheat beer bar none and i have had the lot.
So smooth and easy to drink, even after 6 bottles.
Yes you will be as drunk as you could be without the need for medical assistance.

If i can't get the biere speciale i normally go for the beire d'or as it is nice stuff shame its only 2.8% (or around that). Still a nice tipple when you just want to relax.

Aldi do a couple of different brands of those small bottles and they're normally nice to. Not as good as they used when they did them years ago but still very tasty.
TCIB said:
Eh up Oakie.

Aye i remember my first wheat bee at the copper pot or whatever it was called on the corner opposite oxford road station, remember it ?
Was a hoegaarden and had a warning on the tap as people had been necking it thinking cause it was sweet it was weak.
Staff were in the bog with a mop more often than not hehe.

Vitus won the best wheat beer award, i will bring you a few bottles to take home next match i see you at or meet up :)
I had a wonderful wheat beer when i was i was last in Germany, got so drunk i forgot what it was called :(

What you supping now sir ?

I`m now on the Tsingtao Beer from China,but fooking brewed in London !!!
Are you on about the pub down the side street before you used to come to the BBC TV Buildings ??
EDIT !!! Just thought mate,The Lass O`Gowrie" when it was a brilliant pub with the ale Brewed on site !!!!!

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