What City's success means to you?

This risks being too cheesey but here goes. Like so many on here I first started going with my Dad, in my case in the late 50's. I was lucky that I saw the great era of the 60's and into the 70's, amny of my friends have seen us win nowt. Sadly my Dad passed away 4 years ago tommorrow and I learnt after from one of his friends that one of his best memories of his later years, was that I took him to the last but one game at Maine Road and the first at Eastlands. I hadn't realised it meant so much.
Whenever I go and talk to him, as I will do tommorrow I tell him about City, I can't wait for the day I deliver the news of our success, that will be tearful for me.
I'm sure there are many similar stories!
blueyorkie said:
This risks being too cheesey but here goes. Like so many on here I first started going with my Dad, in my case in the late 50's. I was lucky that I saw the great era of the 60's and into the 70's, amny of my friends have seen us win nowt. Sadly my Dad passed away 4 years ago tommorrow and I learnt after from one of his friends that one of his best memories of his later years, was that I took him to the last but one game at Maine Road and the first at Eastlands. I hadn't realised it meant so much.
Whenever I go and talk to him, as I will do tommorrow I tell him about City, I can't wait for the day I deliver the news of our success, that will be tearful for me.
I'm sure there are many similar stories!

beautiful xxx
I couldnt put it into words, success is something i've barely even hoped for at City, i'm not going to get ahead of myself just yet, but if this works out it will mean the world, it will be everything to see that damn banner come down at the swamp.
It is great to see how many of these posts are about the sharing of the experience with dads etc.

It proves we are still a club supported by families.

2nd and 3rd generations as well

I was born in 1982 and have never seen us win fuck all, never even seen as much as a cup semi final! But that isnt really why i support City! If i wanted to see a team win a load of metal bowls i would have gone and supported that team from Trafford where i live! Supporting City is much more than just winning metal bowls!

Im not creaming myself over the fact we've got all this money and that we could very well win a few trophies in the future! If we do then great, i'll be buzzing and will have a fair few nights out on the piss because of it! But all i ever want from a football team is that they can entertain and that they have a few players i really love going to see and that i know they love playing for the club and love the fans!

And i certainly will not be stooping to the low level of being a bad winner and shoving it right down the throats of anyone who isnt a fan of my team, or being a sore loser and fucking off home in a mood if we ever finish 2nd or 3rd or lose a cup final - just like all them fucking wanker Rags do everytime they win or dont win something!

And if we never ever win anything, even with all this money, i wont be arsed! I havent been for the 27 years ive been alive, even when seeing all them Cockneys and Irish singing shit songs about us never winning nowt and them winning everything! I dont care! Just give me a decent kick off time, some decent weather, some players i love, a few good results, a few nice beers and sherbert and i'll be happy - anything else will be a bonus!
danburge82 said:
I was born in 1982 and have never seen us win fuck all, never even seen as much as a cup semi final! But that isnt really why i support City! If i wanted to see a team win a load of metal bowls i would have gone and supported that team from Trafford where i live! Supporting City is much more than just winning metal bowls!

Im not creaming myself over the fact we've got all this money and that we could very well win a few trophies in the future! If we do then great, i'll be buzzing and will have a fair few nights out on the piss because of it! But all i ever want from a football team is that they can entertain and that they have a few players i really love going to see and that i know they love playing for the club and love the fans!

And i certainly will not be stooping to the low level of being a bad winner and shoving it right down the throats of anyone who isnt a fan of my team, or being a sore loser and fucking off home in a mood if we ever finish 2nd or 3rd or lose a cup final - just like all them fucking wanker Rags do everytime they win or dont win something!

And if we never ever win anything, even with all this money, i wont be arsed! I havent been for the 27 years ive been alive, even when seeing all them Cockneys and Irish singing shit songs about us never winning nowt and them winning everything! I dont care! Just give me a decent kick off time, some decent weather, some players i love, a few good results, a few nice beers and sherbert and i'll be happy - anything else will be a bonus!

I was born in 1983 so I know exactly where you are coming from. Spoke to my mate a Utd fan when they won the league last year and he went HOME after the match. I couldn't believe it, the mentality is so strange. I told him to go out and celebrate and treat every trophy as if it is the last as one day it will be. He didn't listen. I thought it was pathetic.

If I am ever at the stage when winning the league means nothing then I might aswel stop watching football. Fuck me if we win the League cup I'll probably be on the 'missing list' for a month due to the celebrations.

To hope!
It means that everything I have been through with City has been worthwhile. I'm not old enough to know City being successful, so growing up as a City fan has shaped my personality. I tend to be laid back, Have self depreciating sense of humour.

Seeing some success will be amazing. It will be where I'm taken back to my first game with my dad where I didn't really understand what was going on. It will be listening to the 99 playoff on a half broken radio and getting the call from my dad who was there to confirm the result, and being in tears. It will be being a 15 year old lass trying to down two pints at half time because her much older brother bought them for her and didn't want to let him down. It will be singing in the rain on the old scaffholding end (Gene Kelly ?) It will be the last game at Maine Road, and walking away and seeing the outline that one last time. It will be the first game at COMS, and being amazed at the size of it. It will be memories and happiness and part of every city fan.

I don't think I've explained it very well, but i've done my best. :-)

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