What class are city fans? Upper, Middle or Lower?

The class system is just a state of mind, designed by those who benefit from it the most to keep others below them.

I play the class system, making fun at it as each day goes by... some things I do one would label as "upper class" some other things I do one would label these as "lower class"

i used to be the same class as him .....

now unfortunately i'm the same class as him!

I'm none of the above. I find those who classify themselves as a certain class often wear it as a badge of pride & seem to be content wherever they are. I just want to improve myself (educationally, socially, etc). None of this will change my 'class' as I quite simply don't belong to one.
upper clarse royalty and descendants of slave traders

middle clarse company car and wears a tie for work,sits on bought furniture

lower class used to be working class but no work due to the above

manchester was founded on cotton and heavy engineering so inevitably predominantly lower class

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