Crouchinho said:
There have been cases in Italy where parents have been paid compensation for kids having autism or negative effects from the MMR vaccine. I guess there is a small minority where young children can't handle the mercury in the vaccine
My doctor here is always asking me to get a flu shot, for everybody he stabs he gets a nice little earner from the government (works out just under 20 quid per shot) . With so many strains of every sickness I wouldn't want to fill my body with a heavy metal then get ill later on!
I don't know anything about compensation claims and quite frankly don't really care as they aren't awarded through scientific consensus.
The original study linking autism with the MMR vaccine was an absolute abomination. It was probably one of the most harmful studies anybody in the scientific community has produced when it comes to the real world effect on the public.
It was a study conducted by a man (Andrew Wakefield) who was being financed by legal teams to
find a link between the two. He also had patents filed for the single shot alternative version of the vaccine. He recruited his study participants, he conducted unethical and unauthorised tests, his method was poor, his conclusions were fraudulent and as a result he (quite rightfully) was stripped of his medical license. He can no longer practice medicine and he never will again.
Since this ONE fabricated study, there have been hundreds of rigorous in depth studies, designed both to refute the original study by Wakefield and also attempt to find a connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. In total hundreds of studies have analysed data from over 25,782,000 children across multiple countries using a variety of techniques... not one, not a single one of those studies, (I can't describe to you the zeal with which I'm stressing zero here) has found a link between the two. It's taken all that to try and dispell a myth started by one man with a strong financial motive.
As a result of this, cases of measles and whooping cough are escalating to a rate not seen for years. Children are
If people still aren't sure if vaccines cause autism or not then please visit this site for more information:
How Do Vaccines Cause Autism?