What Does It Feel Like?


Well-Known Member
17 Feb 2011
Toronto, bye bye blighty
Team supported
Tottenham Hotspur
First of all congratulations on winning the title! I did put a thread in general forum but think it went a bit unnoticed!

So what does it feel like to be champions? Do you get out of bed in the morning with a big grin on your face? Does your life feel complete now you have won a champions medal? Do you crave more titles and silverware? Do you care if you never won a medal again now you have this one? Is it surreal? Do you feel smug when seeing a United fan at school/work/on the street knowing you got one over on your rivals?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, it just had me wondering! Seeing your celebrations winning the title it almost brought a lump to my throat, a bit of jealously and happiness to see so many people in ecstasy.

Being in the shadows of your neighbours for a long time and them rubbing it in your faces now they have a taste of their own medicine.

I bet there is quite a few of you here who didn't witness a title winning side before, and had to listen to people talk about the greats of Summerbee and Bell. I too have had to listen to that for many years, people talking about the great Greaves, Cryil and Mckay. I bet some of you never thought it would happen in your lifetime.

Now as a Spurs fan is there any hope for me?! It's been over 50 years already, it could easily go another 50. I'm coming close to 40 so I hope I have another 20-30 years in the locker. Someone give me hope!

Also, do you think you can dominate football like Liverpool and United have done? Their consistency was quite remarkable and United are still strong. We've seen Arsenal dominate a season and many thought they would for years to come but they faltered, same with Chelsea, when Roman and Jose were winning stuff you could see it going on for a decade, but that hasn't gone to plan yet. It's going to be difficult but there could be some history made

Good luck for next season and remember to let Spurs win both matches against you!
Crouchinho said:
First of all congratulations on winning the title! I did put a thread in general forum but think it went a bit unnoticed!

So what does it feel like to be champions? Do you get out of bed in the morning with a big grin on your face? Does your life feel complete now you have won a champions medal? Do you crave more titles and silverware? Do you care if you never won a medal again now you have this one? Is it surreal? Do you feel smug when seeing a United fan at school/work/on the street knowing you got one over on your rivals?

Sorry for the bombardment of questions, it just had me wondering! Seeing your celebrations winning the title it almost brought a lump to my throat, a bit of jealously and happiness to see so many people in ecstasy.

Being in the shadows of your neighbours for a long time and them rubbing it in your faces now they have a taste of their own medicine.

I bet there is quite a few of you here who didn't witness a title winning side before, and had to listen to people talk about the greats of Summerbee and Bell. I too have had to listen to that for many years, people talking about the great Greaves, Cryil and Mckay. I bet some of you never thought it would happen in your lifetime.

Now as a Spurs fan is there any hope for me?! It's been over 50 years already, it could easily go another 50. I'm coming close to 40 so I hope I have another 20-30 years in the locker. Someone give me hope!

Also, do you think you can dominate football like Liverpool and United have done? Their consistency was quite remarkable and United are still strong. We've seen Arsenal dominate a season and many thought they would for years to come but they faltered, same with Chelsea, when Roman and Jose were winning stuff you could see it going on for a decade, but that hasn't gone to plan yet. It's going to be difficult but there could be some history made

Good luck for next season and remember to let Spurs win both matches against you!

Sack 'arry then you might have a chance.
I woke up this morning and realised it was the end of a long season...Wondering what I am going to be doing for the next 2 months...

However it feels fucking orgasmic and I will die a happy man knowing I have witnessed my beloved blues win the league..<br /><br />-- Sat May 19, 2012 2:54 pm --<br /><br />I woke up this morning and realised it was the end of a long season...Wondering what I am going to be doing for the next 2 months...

However it feels fucking orgasmic and I will die a happy man knowing I have witnessed my beloved blues win the league..
I feel an emotional weight has been lifted of me. I wish i could explain it further, it's as if nothing the rags say or do anymore will phase me.

The way we won it too the irony will not be lost, but i won't give it the arrogance I'm used to from rags. When they start all i say is one word "Dignity".
Being 44 in Sept, I can tell you it feels so surreal to be Champions of England, I thought the FA cup was good last year but the emotional rollercoaster I have been on this year has been unbelievable, I just keep watching the goals, celebrations and reading fans stories to relive that moment again for me in the Etihad.
As for your hopes Spurs, never give up hope if ffp gets kicked into touch it may help.
We don't want this feeling to stop but I don't want us to lose our humility and become arrogant like the rags are .
It feels like we've emerged from a long, dark tunnel. A VERY long, VERY dark tunnel. All those gruesome years in the 80's/90's seem like just a bad dream now (unfortunately, they did happen). Now, we've got to push on and try to repeat, and make a better fist of the CL this season.
Do I feel we can dominate football?
Well I think City can domestically

When you look at the traditional big four
Rags stumbled through loads of games this season and the core of their squad is well into their 30's. They're reliant on those players and as seen in the derby at our place, they can't do it anymore
Chelsea are similar
Arsenal are too inconsistant and if they lose vanpussie they'll be well and truly knackered
Liverpool are finished as a top four club

When it comes to the next big fish, yourselves Tottenham, it depends on if you can keep hold of Bale and Modric this summer, but like Arsenal, I think you're too inconsistant to maintain a title challenge
Doesn't feel any different to be honest. Seasons over, just waiting for next season to start now.

It felt amazing on Sunday, the best i have ever felt in my entire life, now it is back to normal.
What doesn't it feel like? 90% of the time, I'm smiling like The Pope in Amsterdam. The rest of the time, I kind of re-lapse to 89 minutes, and is the scariest thing ever.
At this moment in time, I'm listening to the game on 5Live again, and it's horrible. The way Alan Green says QPR are settling in for the long haul as soon as Cisse comes off makes my legs go all weird, because Mackie scores soon after and it was the worst feeling in the world. I'm expecting a horrible moment.

But it's so so worth it.

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