What Does It Feel Like?

Ive struggled to focus on anything else since the build up to the United game, its been like three weeks in a parallel universe of City in one and work/family etc in another running side by side. Right now at this moment in time I really don't care what happens in the future, we've followed the FA Cup with a Title and the manner of both success's beating the Rgas in the semi's and the final minutes last Sunday just can't see it being bettered.

I genuinely would like other clubs rather than the norm to win it so they can feel the euphoria of it all but sadly I doubt its going to happen that much. When I look at what we have had to spend to do it its quite frightening. Not for one minute though does that in any way dilute what it feels like to have done it.
It feels amazing, constant smile on my face even when times outside of football are hard.

As for spurs being champions, you never know, obviously as a city fan i hope its never, but that goes for every other team in England as i want us to always win.

Spurs are not a million miles off, but consistancy is what you guys need, you have a better squad that the red shite, and also le arse, you just dont seem to keep it up all season.

Good luck to you for next season tho mate, and thanks again :)
Just spend 2 hours watching vids of the day a week on.

I've been emotionally spent since last Sunday's pressure in the SS near the end of the game.

Had a tear or two again reliving it.

I didn't sign up to this sort of thing or at least it's not what I'm used too.

In reply to the OP it feels like walking on air, it was a beautiful 5 mins at the end of the game. The release will live with me forever.
I feel such an enormous sense of pride for all of my fellow City fans, the vast majority of whom are decent, honest, hard-working people whose loyalty through times of adversity has been wonderfully rewarded.

What has happened to City should give the fans of Spurs and every other Club hope, and should inspire them to never, ever give up.

As for global domination and future silverware - right now I genuinely could not care less. I am not smug or arrogant, just thoroughly satisfied to the core.

It feels like I have seen and been a part of something that will never ever be repeated (ie the context and circumstances within which the title was won). And that makes me very happy.
gillymcfc said:
Being 44 in Sept, I can tell you it feels so surreal to be Champions of England, I thought the FA cup was good last year but the emotional rollercoaster I have been on this year has been unbelievable, I just keep watching the goals, celebrations and reading fans stories to relive that moment again for me in the Etihad.
As for your hopes Spurs, never give up hope if ffp gets kicked into touch it may help.
We don't want this feeling to stop but I don't want us to lose our humility and become arrogant like the rags are .
Couldn't have put it any better myself. Even share your birth month and year, the 12th.
Happy days.
It feels surreal and i have to keep re watching all the videos posted to make sure we HAVE actually won it,so close were we to losing it!

It is all the sweeter because we pipped THEM to it just when they thought they had won it and with almost the last kick,the way they have won so many trophies so many times in the past.All the sweeter because we rammed all the taunts and crowing they did when they thought they were safe to do so at 8 points clear.

I haven't stopped smiling yet,that is what removing 44 years of pain and humiliation does for you.
Honestly, with the FA Cup last year and the PL this year, I feel really spoilt.

I wouldn't mind if we didn't win it for a bit as long as the Big Four didn't either. Every fan in the country should be allowed to feel what we did on Sunday, not just the gloryhunters over in Stretford or lottery winners like ourselves
Your question about meeting your rivals out and about:
I was in one of those mini-supermarkets today. On front of me, at the deli counter, there was a big, horse of a man, wearing a United polo shirt. I got a tap on my shoulder and turned around to be greeted by a mate who works there and is also blue to the core. He pointed at the big rag.
'Wow! Look! A United shirt!' he said, in mock excitement.
The big twat turned around, all smiles.
'That's the SECOND BEST kind of shirt there is!' my mate gasped.
The whole queue fell about the place laughing - well, the whole place, bar one asshole who couldn't wait for his breakfast roll and stormed off to complain to the manager. Sadly, for him, the manager is a Liverpool fan and told him if he didn't like the banter, shop elsewhere.

Yeah, it feels just like you probably imagine it feels. Only better. Much, much, much f**king better. You go to bed at night and it's the last thing that you think about. You wake up in the morning and it's the first thought that pops into your head. You can't understand why everybody else doesn't just stop whatever it is they're doing and just sit and ponder the wonderment of such happiness.
It feels like vindication, a blessing and a catharsis. Like the snake oil salesman says: it's good for what ails ya and it great for what don't! It feels like you're more alive than you ever were before. It feels like drawing with Gillingham all over again - only with the whole f**king football world looking on admiringly instead of pitifully.
It feels good. Really, really good.
corky1970 said:
Damocles said:
Honestly, with the FA Cup last year and the PL this year, I feel really spoilt.

I wouldn't mind if we didn't win it for a bit as long as the Big Four didn't either. Every fan in the country should be allowed to feel what we did on Sunday, not just the gloryhunters over in Stretford or lottery winners like ourselves

mmmmmmmmmmmm , suspicious

Indeed, we won the ownership lottery

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