What happened with Rio? (merged)

I rushed to A&E to see if Rio was still alive. I've since returned the flowers and got a full refund from the Florist.
Sky Blue said:
Matty said:
People, especially United fans, and the media, seem to feel they can dictate how I and other City fans feel about Ferdinand being hit by a flying coin. Well, they can't. Apparently I'm supposed to be outraged, disgusted, by it. Well, guess what, I'm not. What happened was a bloke who wasn't me threw a coin and hit a bloke who I think is a dick in the head. I really couldn't care less. Should it have happened? No. Did it happen? Yes. Get over it. It's not symptomatic of anything other than a handful of drunken idiots reacting to an emotional match incident and some antagonisation by certain players. All this talk of putting netting up is utter, utter bollocks. It's like City fans are the first people to ever throw things at players, we're not. Remember the Adebayor incident? The Arsenal fans lauched all sorts of stuff at him. Is it ok because they threw like Abu Hamza and missed him by miles? Should City be punished because someone happened to fluke it and actually hit one of the players? What about Bellamy at Old Trafford? He was hit by a coin. Where was the outrage then? Where was the PFA Chairman frothing at the mouth in indignation? It was an unsavoury incident, but that's about it, if the media stopped talking about it then it'd be forgotten in about a day. Move. The Fuck. On.

Top post Matty. Fuck the red twats.

It's the same when they came out with all the crap about us 'coinin it in'(pun intended), the club aint ours
anymore because of all the money and how we have lost our soul and should feel guilty in some way for "buying trophies" as they say, knowing from now on it will be the only way they(they think) will get to us...and some blues fell for it. Fuck you SCUM! WE ARE FUCKIN LOVIN IT!!!$$$$$$$$$$SSSSsssss............

Aguarooooooooooo "I swear you'll never see anything like this ever again! So watch it! Drink it in! Stufuckinpendous!"

Matty said:
People, especially United fans, and the media, seem to feel they can dictate how I and other City fans feel about Ferdinand being hit by a flying coin. Well, they can't. Apparently I'm supposed to be outraged, disgusted, by it. Well, guess what, I'm not. What happened was a bloke who wasn't me threw a coin and hit a bloke who I think is a dick in the head. I really couldn't care less. Should it have happened? No. Did it happen? Yes. Get over it. It's not symptomatic of anything other than a handful of drunken idiots reacting to an emotional match incident and some antagonisation by certain players. All this talk of putting netting up is utter, utter bollocks. It's like City fans are the first people to ever throw things at players, we're not. Remember the Adebayor incident? The Arsenal fans lauched all sorts of stuff at him. Is it ok because they threw like Abu Hamza and missed him by miles? Should City be punished because someone happened to fluke it and actually hit one of the players? What about Bellamy at Old Trafford? He was hit by a coin. Where was the outrage then? Where was the PFA Chairman frothing at the mouth in indignation? It was an unsavoury incident, but that's about it, if the media stopped talking about it then it'd be forgotten in about a day. Move. The Fuck. On.

Spot on. I really don't give a fuck. Sorry.
I am now a lifelong fan of Ashley Cole and family for their LEGENDARY FB comments.
Its time the entire country starts singing the chant "always the victims, its never their fault" for ManU.
Rio missed his drug test, obvious fault of his alarm clock
Rooney is banging grannys, Nature's fault for making him that way
Giggs is cheating with his sister in law, his brother's fault for not satisfying her
Rio calls Ashley by a racist term, Ashley Cole's fault for speaking the truth
This will get even worse if it turns out he was hit by a coin from his own fans
I am was a little upset he didnt celebrate in front of the directors box he might of got hit off a £2 coin there, now that would of been better !

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