What happens when you die?

I have contradicting views on this.
On one hand I think that we do become something else as I simply can't remember not being, if that makes sense. Whether we go onto a next life or if we come back in another body, I don't know, but as I say I just can't remember not being alive.

On the other hand though if we do die and become something else, well then so does every other single living organism on the planet. I think its the fact we are intelligent and self-aware that we have the ability to think there maybe something after death, whereas an elephant, for example, won't sit there thinking about what happens and when it dies, it is simply just that, the end.

Not in any hurry to find out, I might add!
Pigeonho said:
I have contradicting views on this.
On one hand I think that we do become something else as I simply can't remember not being, if that makes sense. Whether we go onto a next life or if we come back in another body, I don't know, but as I say I just can't remember not being alive.

On the other hand though if we do die and become something else, well then so does every other single living organism on the planet. I think its the fact we are intelligent and self-aware that we have the ability to think there maybe something after death, whereas an elephant, for example, won't sit there thinking about what happens and when it dies, it is simply just that, the end.

Not in any hurry to find out, I might add!

I wonder why that is! PMSL
burning blue soul said:
Cheesy said:
She's busy round here at the moment.

Nice one! When you have finished tell her my work clothes won't iron themselves!!! And if my dinner isn't on the table soon she will know the answer to the op's question!

She said use a hot Wok.
ElanJo said:
BulgarianPride said:
I have no idea what your point is. Why would a spirit be made of ordinary matter? Do you know or have any evidence of this? I don't. Saying that a soul does not exist because there is no evidence is just as ignorant as saying that it does exist based on no evidence.

What separates living organism from rocks for example? What makes us alive? How do these organic chemicals form to make all living organisms separate from the non living, dust, rocks, metals and so on. I find that question rather more interesting that what happens when we die.

As for an after life, i don't know. Nobody does.
But i know that the information of our existence is never lost.

In what way?

The particles that make us, us, are never lost. They will always be in the universe.
We were once stardust, and stardust we will become. You, or parts of you, could travel the universe many many times. Parts of you will create other life, other planets, or even suns. Parts of you will live forever.

-- Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:11 pm --

ElanJo said:
Pigeonho said:
I have contradicting views on this.
On one hand I think that we do become something else as I simply can't remember not being, if that makes sense. Whether we go onto a next life or if we come back in another body, I don't know, but as I say I just can't remember not being alive.

On the other hand though if we do die and become something else, well then so does every other single living organism on the planet. I think its the fact we are intelligent and self-aware that we have the ability to think there maybe something after death, whereas an elephant, for example, won't sit there thinking about what happens and when it dies, it is simply just that, the end.

Not in any hurry to find out, I might add!

I wonder why that is! PMSL

Can a Butterfly remember being a Caterpillar?

What really defines us? Is it our memories? Or something else?
BulgarianPride said:
ElanJo said:
In what way?

The particles that make us, us, are never lost. They will always be in the universe.
We were once stardust, and stardust we will become. You, or parts of you, could travel the universe many many times. Parts of you will create other life, other planets, or even suns. Parts of you will live forever.

Debatable. I believe, if I remember correctly, that particles, atoms etc. would be destroyed in a "Big Rip" scenario.

However, if that is false or the Big Rip doesn't occur, whilst the individual parts that have made us up may 'live' on, I don't see, as interesting as it is, how that pertains to information of our existence or life alter death.

-- Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:11 pm --

BulgarianPride said:
ElanJo said:
I wonder why that is! PMSL

Can a Butterfly remember being a Caterpillar?

What really defines us? Is it our memories? Or something else?

I'm pretty sure that a Butterfly does remember being a Caterpillar. Their neural network carries over. The Caterpillar doesn't die.

You are the brain (activity) in your skull. Some may find that fascinating, some may find that extremely unnerving but that's what all the evidence strongly suggests. Just as you aren't your toenail, you aren't the particles that make up your body.
I like to think that when you die the lights go out and that's that.

I'm in no rush to die obviously, but I'm pretty sure that when the time comes I will have had enough by then, and so I've no interest in an after life and having to do it all over again.

It would be quite nice to have the option of an after life for those who want it, or opt-out as required.
I'm not clever enough to comment on these threads. So I shall leave you with a song:

ElanJo said:
BulgarianPride said:
The particles that make us, us, are never lost. They will always be in the universe.
We were once stardust, and stardust we will become. You, or parts of you, could travel the universe many many times. Parts of you will create other life, other planets, or even suns. Parts of you will live forever.

Debatable. I believe, if I remember correctly, that particles, atoms etc. would be destroyed in a "Big Rip" scenario.

However, if that is false or the Big Rip doesn't occur, whilst the individual parts that have made us up may 'live' on, I don't see, as interesting as it is, how that pertains to information of our existence or life alter death.

I am not suggesting life after death. You assume that's where i am going because of past religious threads.

As for a Big rip, that would be the end of forever. The end of the number line if you will.

You are the brain (activity) in your skull. Some may find that fascinating, some may find that extremely unnerving but that's what all the evidence strongly suggests. Just as you aren't your toenail, you aren't the particles that make up your body.

I don't think as myself being only just my brain. I am everything in my body, down to electrons orbiting the atoms of my molecules. The brain is the operating system, everything else is still part of the me. I am the whole complex system, not just one major component.

Do you remember being in your mothers womb? Do you remember your first steps? Were you not alive then? Very debatable but isn't that the point of this thread? Nobody has the answers. The existence of memory is not the definition of being alive.
I feel that death is just a reversal of the early days/weeks of being born ......

before you are born you have nothing , and know nothing .. it's just blackness .... but as a baby you become aware of your senses , and gradually you gain strength and grow.

in the days as as you approach death you become frail , lose weight/height , and lose those same senses .... images become vague , sounds distort , your heart stops , and things just 'peter out' into that same 'blackness' again.

I did however recieve a very distinct sign within days of my mum dying , as did my brothers and sisters too .. which let us know that she was still 'there' in some form ........ and i don't say that lightly , because i don't really believe in things like that.

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