what medication are you on?

Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Amitriptyline (back surgery)
Ramipril (blood pressure)
Benzofluericide (blood pressure)
Amalopidine (Blood pressure)
Nexium (Barrets Esophagus)
Aspirin (Thins the blood)
Co Codomol (back pain)

Watching City doesn't help the blood pressure situation I can tell you!!

Kin ell! Thought i was bad.

Perindopril (Blood pressure) If i stopped drinking beer i would not need it. (fuck that)
Endep 25 (pain relief for neck nerve damage)

That's it.
blue81 said:
stony said:
blue81 said:
Am I the only one who finds this whole thread really depressing/worrying (maybe I should go to the doctor and he'll prescribe me something).

I am fairly shocked that I am in the minority in not taking anything for anxiety, depression, sleeping etc. Do you think we're generally a pretty unhappy bunch these days or do you think doctors give out these things will nilly?

You could always ask the doctor to refer you to a plastic surgeon to stop you looking like a ****.

No need for the stony, I was simply asking a question.

that is a bit of a prickish comment isnt it as if we make it up ... willy nilly :S i for one definately needed something to calm my anxiety down i was at breaking point and still have really bad days
Ramapril 5mg daily... Surprised every City fan is not on them too.. They are for high blood pressure CTID.. Which may be sooner rather than later if we chuck another PL and FA Cup away....Southampton nearly did for me too!!!
blue81 said:
Am I the only one who finds this whole thread really depressing/worrying (maybe I should go to the doctor and he'll prescribe me something).

I am fairly shocked that I am in the minority in not taking anything for anxiety, depression, sleeping etc. Do you think we're generally a pretty unhappy bunch these days or do you think doctors give out these things will nilly?
I reckon the majority of people, being them who don't take meds, are unlikely to post in here, on account of not having a lot to say...

It's true that anti-depressants are over prescribed and that goes double for tranquilizers. There is no absolute evidence that seratonin deficiency causes depression but the drugs do alleviate symptoms, I remember the first time I took one, and was just amazed as for the first time in about 6 months I could think straight. I think it's fair to say that a lot of people would benefit from therapy but even if it was more widely available, it's a very long process, and change is difficult. The thing about anti-depressants is they are pretty benign for most people. The side-effects are not harmful but are enough that, if you reckon you can do without them, there is a motivation to do so.

I think the real scandal is the overprescription of tranquilizers, benzodiazepenes. They very rarely do anyone any good after the first couple of days. The side effects are unpredictable, and physical addiction is a huge problem. I knew a reformed poly-drug user, he had done crack, heroin, the lot, but he reckoned coming off clonazepam was the biggest nightmare of all. Currently, doctors are advised not to suggest that clients reduce their dose or come off them, if they suspect addiction.. luckily most doctors have more sense than this. Still, if you want additional support to beat the addiction to the medicine doctors introduced you to, and were complicit in keeping you on, you are likely to be pointed to a service catering mainly to alcoholics and hard drug users.

oh yeah forgot to post mine - venlafaxine 300mg. Ugh. I swear they've swapped them for female hormones this month though. I've just been out and bought fabric softener ffs!
Depression is very hard to diagnose as most patients are not aware of what has happening to them the first time it strikes. Yes it is over-prescribed; but so what. It costs us a few quid and some people may be helped that would otherwise have slipped through the net. The side effects are usually minimal. The NHS doesn't fund a decent mental health team for GP practices. Referrals on to Psychiatric departments at hospital are usually months ahead; which is too late for many very desperate patients. The NHS offers virtually no psychological therapies. The time lag to get an appointment and the limited number of sessions means it's virtually pointless. I paid £1500 for my CBT therapy and it didn't help in the end. I also spend £600 on hypnotherapy that didn't work. Having a mental health issue is hell. Give me cancer or a heart attack any day. I think anxiety trumps depression as the worst of mental health conditions. Those who make flippant comments about wily nilly approaches should start praying these illnesses never afflict you.
600mg Pregabalin per day
35mg Ametryptelin per day
8 sodding Paracetomol per day
10 mg Butrans patch a week

amd the doctor still thinks a good smoke'd help!

not had a dump for a month

2 back surgeries in 2 years and now scheduled for an anterior lumbar inter-body fusion
ie through my feckin stomach.

all you back pain sufferers...i wholly sympathise (or empathise).
Knoxy38 said:
600mg Pregabalin per day
35mg Ametryptelin per day
8 sodding Paracetomol per day
10 mg Butrans patch a week

amd the doctor still thinks a good smoke'd help!

not had a dump for a month

2 back surgeries in 2 years and now scheduled for an anterior lumbar inter-body fusion
ie through my feckin stomach.

all you back pain sufferers...i wholly sympathise (or empathise).

Doesn't amitrptaline stop you shitting as much?
Maybe you should stop that for a bit, although 35mg isn't much
The Pope said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Amitriptyline (back surgery)
Ramipril (blood pressure)
Benzofluericide (blood pressure)
Amalopidine (Blood pressure)
Nexium (Barrets Esophagus)
Aspirin (Thins the blood)
Co Codomol (back pain)

Watching City doesn't help the blood pressure situation I can tell you!!

I've just come off a 24 hr blood pressure monitor, I as getting 145-150 in the doctors then mainly 160's some 170's and a few 180/190's depending on what i'm doing and hey presto the day after I had it taken off the doctors rung to book me in for an appointment !

Shitting it a bit tbh, is it normal to be on more than 1 blood pressure tablet? I thought they might just bung me on asprin.

All this after I went in after turning 40 and said give me an MOT.
Prostate fine, cholesterol at the higher end of ok but blood pressure a bit high.

Aspirin has no effect on your BP pal! They will start you on one tablets initially

Likely to be Amlodipine or an ACE inhibitor (ie Ramipril, lisinopril) It depends where you live! I would imagine Amlodipine 5mg once daily!!
117 M34 said:
Knoxy38 said:
600mg Pregabalin per day
35mg Ametryptelin per day
8 sodding Paracetomol per day
10 mg Butrans patch a week

amd the doctor still thinks a good smoke'd help!

not had a dump for a month

2 back surgeries in 2 years and now scheduled for an anterior lumbar inter-body fusion
ie through my feckin stomach.

all you back pain sufferers...i wholly sympathise (or empathise).

Doesn't amitrptaline stop you shitting as much?
Maybe you should stop that for a bit, although 35mg isn't much

Amitriptyline doesn't constipate you!! It's the Butrans patch that's doing it!!

Buprenorphine!! An opioid!!
XxRachXx said:
blue81 said:
stony said:
You could always ask the doctor to refer you to a plastic surgeon to stop you looking like a ****.

No need for the stony, I was simply asking a question.

that is a bit of a prickish comment isnt it as if we make it up ... willy nilly :S i for one definately needed something to calm my anxiety down i was at breaking point and still have really bad days

If it came across 'prickish' I apologise Rach. What I meant was that is it lazy doctoring to simply dole out the meds in ALL cases rather than maybe looking at why people are anxious/depressed.....

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