What things do you remember from Maine Road?

can't remember whether I posted this before but for me the smell of tobacco / cigar smoke takes me straight back to Maine Road in the 1970's when I sat in the Platt Lane End. The visual things I remember from then are:-

- the yellow bench seats
- the Greenhalls Advertising Hoarding above the corner between Platt Lane / Main Stand (latterly the family stand)
- and whatever was on the middle of the roof of the 'Real' Kippax Stand - some kind of gantry
- the back alleys leading from the Parkway
- the bus station where we parked our car, just off the Parkway
As a kid I remember chewing gum in tablet form, in a packet like an Anadin pack.
My dad telling me Bovril was like "your Mum's gravy".
Giving our rag neighbours a lift home after the 5-1. I never liked the neighbours.
Advertising boards with 061 and 0625 on them.
That f'ing bell.
My dad keeping his Grandpa's shite yellow Cavalier worth less than football boots so he could drive it to City, so we didn't have to pay the "mind your car mister" lads.

In my elder years, I remember Abdule's on the way, have to go Levenshulme now.
That silly hanging bird to scare off the pigeons.
The rolling pin sausage, bacon & egg baps.
The ever changing name of the bar on the corner where you turn into Fallowfield. Never ever been in, just remember it being called something new every season.
Walking in, under the Tunnell and onto the Kippax,just to be hit by a wall of noise!!
I know you didn't mean football but whenever i think of Maine Road the first thing i think of is when i was delighted to be sat on the front row and Wimbledon crushed us 4-0 i think it was and Shipperly scored 3 haha always think of that first
nearly breaking my back on the crowd control barriers in the kippax when we scored.

nearly castrating myself on the handrails on the way out...
Queueing up to pay cash at the Kippax turnstiles, and if you were a couple of minutes late, hearing the crowd roar and praying you didn't miss a goal. Also looking down from the top of the Kippax steps at signs saying "Commit no nuisance", near which were ominous dark wet stains on the wall (presumably bogs were full). The little square box-like hut that was the half-time scoreboard at one end. And from my childhood, the Beswick Prize Band that marched round the perimeter playing stirring military marches, while the conductor twirled his baton & threw it up into the air, while we all hoped he'd drop it....O for a time machine to help us revisit those simple days.........
All the alleyways behind the Kippax.
Climbing the lovely stairway to heaven at the back of the Kippax.
The half mile trek to the toilet and the half mile queue to get in there.
Hot dog sellers (shady or what ).
Helen Turner the BELL God Bless oh if she could she us now.
Two brothers who stood in front of me and my dad on the Kippax who would end up fighting each other almost every match, one would shout "your playing shite City" and his brother would then start " get behind the team" and within a minute they'd be at each others throats! When they rebuilt the Kippax my dad said the worst thing would be having a stay allocated to you and if you were near to some nutter you couldn't move away. I asked him when we had ever moved away from those brothers.<br /><br />-- Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:27 pm --<br /><br />Seat not stay. Sorry

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