What trouble did you have last night?

as already posted in the mib thread me dads bests mates borther got hit by 4 of them scum near mary ds jsut because he had a city coat on. they all had there faces covered aswell. police got them though
PaulPowerShower said:
Mancityfans.net'er said:
Is that really the excuse for the stuck up fans never singing?! I was ashamed of how crap the atmosphere was where i was first half. I even had to sit down for alot of it.

You wont sing the runway song, U wont sing tevez hates munichs, what the fuck will you sing?

Its a song ffs. It generates atmosphere. There is nothing nasty in it, they sing alot worse about us.

Were not making a mockery of the munich incident, we are having a go at them for commercialising / making money and getting all their fans from a tragic event.

Your having a go at us because we wont sing Munich songs???

You sir, are a prick

Well said... and unsurprisingly a MCF".netter"
goose72 said:
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
Well me and the lad (15 so not really a kid anymore) got there around 7ish had a pint had a walk round the ground spoke to a few people, walked through the rag section to get to entrance P where we took our place around 5 mins before lights down. Stood in 120 for the 90 minutes enjoying a good sing song next to the rags at that end, no coins, no bottles nothing thrown near us or from what I saw from around us. Did see some wierd camera crew in the stands to our left filming a group of lads for the whole 90 mins ? (dont know what that was about). Clapped the lads off at the end then walked out and over to the Manchester where we parked with no trouble, didnt see anything thrown or any mither, plenty of singing and banter going on. Got in the car and drove him back to his mums without seeing a thing ?

Did I go to the right game last night or have I been the victim of an alien abduction with false memories forced upon me ? lol

This. Honestly, it amazes me the crap some people come up with.

Don't be so ignorant... just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Hit some trouble after getting off the train gang of lads who were looking for trouble!
They started a fight with a harmless blue but ran when the police showed up!
SinSentido said:
my son saw some trouble at cheadle hulme train station on his way home... seven or eight scum in their twenties got off the train and attacked a lone city fan, in his sixties my son reckons, him and his mate, both 17, tried to offer the guy some help, son was smacked and went down and banged his head and his mate was smacked. Lots of people getting off the train and some police were luckily in the area so the scum went on their way. Son came home later and couldn't remember anything about the previous few hours, couldn't even remember the score. Bit happier this morning as his memory's starting to return and he can remember the match, and the score now! Also remembered they battered a couple of lads aged about 14 or 15 on Stockport station.

Who battered the 14 year olds at Stockport Station? Your lad or the scum?
the kippax wall said:
Citycitytid said:
Took my mrs and she got hit by a pound coin (nasty gash on her head) and a bottle.

Also car tyres got slashed across the road from the ground.

What trouble did anyone else have?

That is bang out of order. How big is her gash ?


Who battered the 14 year olds at Stockport Station? Your lad or the scum?[/quote]
GStar said:
goose72 said:
This. Honestly, it amazes me the crap some people come up with.

Don't be so ignorant... just because you didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

True, and just because you think last night was some kind of rerun of the poll tax riots doesn't mean that in reality there isn't a lot of teenage dick swinging going on in this thread.
Fanzone Danny said:
Posted this on G Stars thread ......

Last night them scumbag bastards helped me take my hatred for them to a whole new level! I wouldn't piss on one if they were on fire!

They were out of order on every level and I hope the scum bastards get long and painful life-threatening diseases! Was coming out of K entrance right next to them at the end and a bunch of them (around 60) kicked a fence down right next to us and were hitting any City fans that were there including dads with kids!

On that note and anyone there will have seen the City fans were mouthing off at the scum fans and antagonising the situation then when they kicked thru the fence ran off leaving anyone who couldn't move quick enough to get a kicking! I looked around at one point and there was no City fan within 10 metres of me when there was thousands seconds earlier!

I'm not into fighting at all but wasn't gonna run off from those cnuts especially leaving so many blues like lambs to the slaughter! ...... disappointing!

I was also there.

First thing to remember. The City fans mouthing off were your general fans. Men, Women and kids. They were normal fans leaving the ground and celebrating.

Anyway. The way I saw it close at hand. Walking along with my mate and ex girlfriend and her daughter. City fans were singing and winding up the Rags. (that's happened with other teams and their fans after we've won) As we walked to the former B of the Bang site, on the right of us was a metal fence and behind that were the police horse boxes and coaches. Next thing a roar went up and I looked to my right. Loads of MIBS, probably 50+, could have been more, started bouncing up and down and began pushing and kicking the metal fence. A few city fans ran over and started kicking it back. The MIBS then burst forward and pushed the fence over. They then started bouncing and moving forward. At this point all the dads, mums and kids started running to get away. As the MIBS moved forward a handful of city lads and men stood their ground and a few fights started. As these individual fights continuded the vast bulk of the MIBS were still bouncing around behind the front lot who were still having idividual fights. About one or two minutes later the police arrived with batons raised and split both sets of fans up and pushed the MIBS back. After that the trouble seemed to spill onto Alan Turing Way. Not sure how as I lost the MIBS being forced back, when the police were forcing us back.

To put it in a nutshell. The MIBS had obviously got together outside the ground after the game, probably numbering 50+.(couldn't tell properly) Obviously they heard the singing and decided to go for it. What they met were Men, women and kids coming out of the stadium. No proper lads. As has been stated, once again they attacked anyone in their range, this included Men, women and children who couldn't get out of the way. A few City did stand (again not lads) and faced them off.

So once again, the mighty organized MIBS had it with normal city fans. No wonder they will claim a successful night and a result.

One more point. Why the f*** did GMP let them out as trouble was going to happen, yet they decided to keep Leeds in at OT for 30 minutes. GMP thought they could handle it. They failed badly and got teir tactics wrong. If City fans are let out at the same time as the Rags next week at OT, it will be murder. GMP, you have been warned.
NH L&YR 1878 said:
Eds said:
Does NH L&YR 1878 stand for Numpty Head Loser? You asked a question, you were given an answer end of. Just because you don't like the answer don't go fishing. And if I think DD is who I think he is I would stay quiet

I know exactly who dd is and if you think that is something to be scared of then I pity you.

I don't mind any answers pal, I'm here in the face of defeat taking it on chinthe , its only banter

probably makes a change from taking it up the arse

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