What trouble did you have last night?

greenie said:
m27 said:
I don't think there will as the Police will keep us in for an hour afterwards and the Police always seem to have it boxed off more when we play there.

they will just wait for us, like after the anniversary derby
If the rags win they will be the ones on the back foot, If they are stupid enough to wait for a 9000 city to hit the streets they deserve a good kicking. If we win how many do you think will wait 100-200? the rest have trains and planes to catch. We will be fine next week If I was worried I wouldnt be taking my lad.
What a shitty read that was, I thought all this shit stopped years ago?
fookin grown men and hangers on calling them selfs names like MIB and Moston rats I meen FFS.
I took my lad to his first derby last night and through this forum new it hat a chance of getting nasty, so I parked in the East stand car park (normaly park in Beswik nr the old Rd, but them streets are moodey at the best of times) and I'm glad to say I didn't see a thing.
I have never got why folk go to a football match to fight, most of these Dickheads will probably, work (maybee not) or live next to and be freind's with each other on any other day.

Stuck in the shitty car park for 1 an half hours though cos they shut the road though!
quite comical really, went into town before the game with a few handy lads from near me (all city apart from one-about 12 of us ) wandered around and didn't see any rags which I was glad about because I hate mouthy cockney and welsh knobs!

I left the lads at the ground because my ticket for the match was in K1. As i walked towards the M/cr pub to get to K1 I noticed the rock hard MIBS coming towards me. Not being slow I moved into the roadway knowing that one of the little heroes would try and tidy me up on my own walking through them ( also i'm allergic to them )

At this point city ran forward from my right and were being batoned by GMP to keep them back. Well i'm on my own and these little twats are bouncing around shouting "come on City". I couldn't turn left coz they'd know I was city and i couldn't go right coz city would think i was yoooonited getting through so i just stood where i was in the road, turned to the bouncing pricks and screamed shit at them. Know what, they bounced back and forth and never came close. Heroes each and every one of them! I'm 6'2" and well built.

The same lads went on to attack old people and women! wankers one and all. They should be ashamed! If your reading this not one of you mibs came too close, you are shithouses! And what about you after the game nearly crying saying it wasn't me I didn't say owt!!it was one of the others. Pricks!
Give it a rest now otherwise some City fans who go to Old Trafford will feel they have to respond
I got the wrong bus from Marble Arch and had to walk from Knightsbridge to Victoria. Does that count?

Watched in the pub in London with many of the London-based blues. Apart from us there were two lads sat with me I was chatting to who were gooners and another two sat in the middle of the room who kept very quiet. As soon as the game ended the two got up to go and avoided all eye contact. Clearly rags and were treated to a chorus of "Fuck off back to London...." as they crept out.
To Jrb sorry could not put quote up not that tech , but with regards last nite what happened 1st and foremost big thanks 2 the guy who I think had ginger short hair ( sorry if your reading and your hair is strawberry blonde ) basically they charged at the gate but not as many as 50 about 30 but soon as it came down they where not sure what to do and only about 5 or 6 faniced it few punches thrown only lasted about half a minute through to the police came felt like longer though

we had a back of a seat thrown at us in second half, saw who did it, he had a massive hooter with stupid hat on, when the scuffle had finished at the corner after the game we made our way back to the coach at the side of asda,then who do we bump into, mr hooter and his mates who have blended in after there fine moral boosting victory over the family contingent, i will leave the rest to your imagination?
ConnorMCFC said:
Mancityfans.net'er said:
Is that really the excuse for the stuck up fans never singing?! I was ashamed of how crap the atmosphere was where i was first half. I even had to sit down for alot of it.

You wont sing the runway song, U wont sing tevez hates munichs, what the fuck will you sing?

Its a song ffs. It generates atmosphere. There is nothing nasty in it, they sing alot worse about us.

Were not making a mockery of the munich incident, we are having a go at them for commercialising / making money and getting all their fans from a tragic event.
pardon my french but you my friend are a first class knob head.

and so what if they sing worse? i want to be seen as a class above them bastards, not associated with them at all by singing about death! thousands of reasons to take the piss out of united, death isnt one of them no matter how much you think it is!
here here.....its attitudes like this that give City fans a bad name, there is no place for songs like that, regardless of what songs the rags sing. If fans like this want to get their kicks from singing songs about death then I suggest they joiin up for a spell in Afghanistan and tell the soldiers risking their lives every day what fun it is singing about death and they can witness first hand what it does!

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