Coming back on the bus into town, there seemed to be a lot of fighting around the Mitchell Arms. Apparently it was going off in some of the car parks at the back as well. Police vans everywhere, holding up the traffic, and saw a few lads (rag muppets and City) being chucked into police vans. There was an Irish rag and some Yanks sat next to me on the bus who were literally white with fear and trembling when they saw it kicking off . . .
A mate told me a lone old man in his 60s was attacked by a gang of rag muppets near B of the Bang, was on the floor getting treatment. I've heard about the fireworks and the lump of concrete thrown across the road near Mary D's. Typical coward shit.
Personally, my experience was that a few rags were mouthing off a bit when they first got outside onto the main road, but shut their traps and gave a wide swerve if they were eyeballed by any blue they knew would accommodate them (ie, any male between the ages of 18-55).
Saw one black-clad gimp barge his shoulder into a middle-aged, bespectacled blue in full City hat and scarf (looked like an unassuming geography teacher) near the Mercedes garage, and the guy just turned around and banjoed the rag rat! All the police vans had just charged off towards Mary D's, and so the guy strolled away Scot-free, with apparently no more care than if he had just stood in a puddle!