What were you doing the day we were relegated to the old 3rd

I was in bed between night shifts, I could have got up in time to listen, but I decided I didn't want to know until I got up at 5pm, when I got up I asked my 9 year old son, had we won, he said yes 5-2, but the look on his face was enough for me to know that it meant f**k all, and we'd gone down.
Couldn't sleep,so rang my mam,she told me that we were winning ,but other results were going against us,so ,stayed on the line till the end.
Went out to an early opener got arseholed,they stooped serving me,so I went home.
Woke up thinking it was a bad dream,but my inbox was full.
I got a massive phone bill and a hangover that I couldn't shift for two days.
I can remember Luton in 83 like it was yesterday. I can still remember the sense of numb disbelief.

I can't remember a thing about any relegation since. We went down again in the late 80s (coming back up in the 89/90 season) and I can't even remember what year that was. I know it was Ball who took us down in the mid 90s but I can't remember that one either, nor can I remember being relegate to the third tier.

I think a psychiatrist might make a lot out of that.
I was living in St Petersburg, Russia (and am back in the same place now).

Back then, there was no chance of finding a bar with Sky and hardly anyone had the Internet at home. I went into my office, where we had a single PC with a dial up connection, and I followed the game via Sporting Life's minute by minute coverage and the old Blue View message board. I'd always thought that somehow we'd avoid going down so was absolutely gutted, slowly absorbing the full enormity of just how totally shit we'd become. Sat in on my own in the evening with a few beers indulging my private grief. Even took the phone off the hook as I really didn't want to speak to anyone.

When I look back now, I'm glad we did go down, as I think it prompted behind-the-scenes changes within the club that were necessary. If we'd stayed up, though, too many of the key people may have been tempted to think that things were OK really and that a flirtation with relegation had been a fluke. Actually going down made everyone accept that things couldn't go on as they were.
At home watching it on TV , with prayer-mat and 12 bottles of san miguel from asda. then having an hangover that lasted 12 months ...thanks again paul dickov...........also fuck off huddersfield and bradford . (we know what went on that day!!!!)
It was my 19th Birthday and I had to go to a christening as I was the Godfather (an offer I couldn't refuse!!)

Luckily the christening was finished in time but I had to sneak in and out to keep an eye on the score. Was devastated and got extremely pissed!!

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